Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Just watched this video...
..."Born For This". Excuse me, however, while I pray for wisdom: "Abba, I sent three letters - and I was so happy about sending them when I did; but when all was said and done, I had to admit I had made a mistake. I want my friends blessed - not made to feel uncomfortable, and least, as much as I can help it. I want to do thy will, but how can I deny that - as I have said - I would love to see a "-161,281,971" of "-629,391"? I cannot. I can, however, and do understand that "1,229,346,939/134,191" is out.
Psalm 101: "I will behave myself wisely and in a perfect way - O! When wilt thou come unto me..."
Also, "Let the words of my heart, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, or Jehovah, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Let me leave my friends better than I found them - and let me do unto them as I would have done unto me, in Jesus' name, amen!
P.S. Here is "Overcomer", as well! :)
Psalm 101: "I will behave myself wisely and in a perfect way - O! When wilt thou come unto me..."
Also, "Let the words of my heart, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, or Jehovah, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Let me leave my friends better than I found them - and let me do unto them as I would have done unto me, in Jesus' name, amen!
P.S. Here is "Overcomer", as well! :)
Thursday, December 24, 2015
OK, so now the question, I am sure, is... - revised
"7,140.1? 7,140.1? 7,140.1, -150,382,010.1? 7,140.1?" "What part of '261.1 -142,425,398', do you not understand?" My answer? I understand all of it. I understand the 2, the 6, the 1, the -1, the 4, the 2, the 4, the 2, the 5, the 3, the 9, and the 8. Another question: "7,140.1 can you not simply -3,483,282,107,477?" Why can a fish not fly? Why can a bird not swim? Interestingly, there are "flying fish", and certain birds that DO swim! Generally speaking, though, birds fly and fish swim. And, "-36.1"? I just HAVE to "79,420,869" with a "18,571,766." In my opinion, God put that in me - and I love it, both because I might as well, and also want to. I think it glorifies God when I celebrate and honour the "61,236,567,353,895" of "-36.1". What I do need, however, and earnestly pray for, is a "-121,723,359" that recognizes this, and "-94,700,393,130" it. Again, even "-36".
I have missed a lot of boats in my lifetime. Some of those missed boats have been a real test; because I have had to decide NOT to worry about them. NOT to keep looking back, saying, "Should have..." Should have written to so-and-so before it was too late. Should have... There is no end to the things I know I should have done.
Here is my challenge, though: ye do not have to do what I did! Ye do not have to "-23,160 70,768,574,242"! I have said before that I am not "-2,916,075,667,833". This, however, is in the following sense:

I am also, again, as I have said: not "-108,282,158,120". In addition, I am not "-571,204,558" yet. Do ye not want a FRONT ROW SEAT to the world getting turned upside down? Do ye not want a man "17,817,713,917 -4,510,869"? Of whom the "5,357,357" is not "144,655,320"? A dear friend of mine said that I came to mind when he considered that verse, and I thank God that he did say that! And do ye not want "-5,033,237,598"? Finally, have ye asked "92,157,645,005,970"? Look, I think ye are going to have trouble delivering on the "-3,284,791/1,194,422,982" - but it is NOT too late to deliver on "4,932 -4,576,105,282"! By the way, I have been continuing to pray for "3,913,305" for you, but even I admit: the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD, or Jehovah. I mean, if ye do not have them, then at least I can say I did what I could.
I, however, am "784,415,427 -248,928" from you having your "3,228,759", and, them, their "-4,576,105,282". Think of how happy they would be! I would be! Even ye (also known as "you")!
I offer the following verse: "The fear of man, bringeth a snare, but whoso trusteth in the LORD, or Jehovah, shall be delivered." I have learned - by necessity - to NOT worry about what other people think of me. And - oh! Indeed! What other people WOULD think! I even foresee a "-616,368,467,978"! I, however, would gladly brave that "-616,368,467,978" for them and you! I love making people happy! I cannot think of any other people I make happier than them (and I am going to go out on a limb and venture that I think I have been able to make you happy as well)! This is why I continue to pray for the miracle, in Jesus' name, amen!
Nevertheless, as I said, I continue to breathe! Bless you, and I would love to love you more than I can say!
I have missed a lot of boats in my lifetime. Some of those missed boats have been a real test; because I have had to decide NOT to worry about them. NOT to keep looking back, saying, "Should have..." Should have written to so-and-so before it was too late. Should have... There is no end to the things I know I should have done.
Here is my challenge, though: ye do not have to do what I did! Ye do not have to "-23,160 70,768,574,242"! I have said before that I am not "-2,916,075,667,833". This, however, is in the following sense:
I am also, again, as I have said: not "-108,282,158,120". In addition, I am not "-571,204,558" yet. Do ye not want a FRONT ROW SEAT to the world getting turned upside down? Do ye not want a man "17,817,713,917 -4,510,869"? Of whom the "5,357,357" is not "144,655,320"? A dear friend of mine said that I came to mind when he considered that verse, and I thank God that he did say that! And do ye not want "-5,033,237,598"? Finally, have ye asked "92,157,645,005,970"? Look, I think ye are going to have trouble delivering on the "-3,284,791/1,194,422,982" - but it is NOT too late to deliver on "4,932 -4,576,105,282"! By the way, I have been continuing to pray for "3,913,305" for you, but even I admit: the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD, or Jehovah. I mean, if ye do not have them, then at least I can say I did what I could.
I, however, am "784,415,427 -248,928" from you having your "3,228,759", and, them, their "-4,576,105,282". Think of how happy they would be! I would be! Even ye (also known as "you")!
I offer the following verse: "The fear of man, bringeth a snare, but whoso trusteth in the LORD, or Jehovah, shall be delivered." I have learned - by necessity - to NOT worry about what other people think of me. And - oh! Indeed! What other people WOULD think! I even foresee a "-616,368,467,978"! I, however, would gladly brave that "-616,368,467,978" for them and you! I love making people happy! I cannot think of any other people I make happier than them (and I am going to go out on a limb and venture that I think I have been able to make you happy as well)! This is why I continue to pray for the miracle, in Jesus' name, amen!
Nevertheless, as I said, I continue to breathe! Bless you, and I would love to love you more than I can say!
I have been praying for, but not presuming upon...
...a "-161,281,971 660,026,411". Please do not get me wrong, though - I am NOT "-2,297,088,457 -157,075,014,165." Friends, consider yourselves - again - squarely in the "driver's seat." I know what that is like - and, believe me, I get the fact that a "-161,281,971 660,026,411" is a "-456,771,780" that CANNOT be presumed upon. Therefore, again, I do not presume upon it. I simply pray for it, in Jesus' name; amen.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
I survived!
On my way from South Korea to South Africa, at the end of 2005, on the airplane; one of the movies they were showing was "Surviving Christmas". At the time, I found - definitely - some parts pretty downright funny. My favourite part, however, was the song at the start: "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year..." The point it was making was that, for some people, there can be considerable satire in that sentiment. Fast forward ten years, and I decided I would borrow that movie from the library. I got to the library, and there it was! So I watched... at least most of it. I knew I was going to have to skip some parts - and, sure enough, I did!
My idea was to "survive 'Surviving Christmas'" - and I did it! Yiches! I cannot say I will ever have to do that again! I got some good laughs - but I can see why Plugged In Online hated it so much! The good news is: God willing, I will have a wonderful 24th and 25th day of the twelfth month, also known as Christmas; and this will be by the grace of God.
By the way, I do NOT recommend that movie! Why did I watch a movie I do not recommend? Because I did remember enjoying, definitely, parts of it, and even the ending. Nevertheless, watching it again after all these years? Never again! Never again! What is done is done - and, again, I did skip what I knew I was going to have to. I am not completely proud of it, but let me say this: God knows my heart in having borrowed and watched it again, and "In the integrity of my heart have I done this." Also, I am humbled to admit that the main character DID remind me of me.
My youngest sister and her husband were going to have me up to their place for both of those days; but then she had her third son last "Son-Day". I phoned my brother in law and found out that that meant he was doing good to welcome me up for the 25th and overnight that night! I cannot rent a car on the 25th, which means that - God willing - I will pick up the rental car tomorrow at Noon (i.e. the 24th).
That meant I was going to have a car, and nothing to necessarily do with it for a day; but now I have discovered that the Director I worked for at Carberry Bible Camp in the summer of 1995 currently lives in Cochrane (near where I am in Calgary)! I don't know if I can pay them a visit, but as I have said, "Here is 'HOPE IN'!"
Also, I do earnestly and fervently pray I will be able to show up at certain friends' place on the first of next year - of course, if God will. For whatever it is worth, I have asked a friend here in Calgary to hold me accountable to an agreement: no more visiting that place (trusting I am able to visit it, again, on the first of next year) more than once a year (of course, IF that). In other words, from now on, if those friends wanted to see me more than once a year, they would have to come and see me here. I would love it if they did - but the ball would be squarely in their court; and that would be exactly where it belongs.
Also, if there is one thing that has been settled in my mind, in no uncertain terms, it is that I am to "...-333 ... 1,910,762,114,877.1 ..." And not only that! Also, "... -333 ... 70,711,880,470.1 ..." to "...-333 ... 1,910,762,114,877.1 ..." After all, I am painfully and even mournfully aware that I could have lost that privilege! I was not trying to lose it, though - I really thought I was doing the right thing! How could I have been so sure of something so "... 60,460,385,573 ..."? I'm me. I'm not saying I like who I am - but I am saying I am me. I wish I could say I liked it, but I do not.
Let me put it this way: a while back, I beloved friend in Australia, over the phone, mentioned "... 24,306,635,642,851/-353 -83,232,561,748,300 ..." (By the way, this may seem ridiculous to say, but please bear with me... this is "-3,085,534,426,214". I know ye could really do me in if ye wanted to, but please don't! I love you!) God willing, I will phone my friend again and ask him, "Where do I start with that...?"
It would mean so much to me to see you again, and love and be loved by you - legitimately, of course, and definitely within reason.
My idea was to "survive 'Surviving Christmas'" - and I did it! Yiches! I cannot say I will ever have to do that again! I got some good laughs - but I can see why Plugged In Online hated it so much! The good news is: God willing, I will have a wonderful 24th and 25th day of the twelfth month, also known as Christmas; and this will be by the grace of God.
By the way, I do NOT recommend that movie! Why did I watch a movie I do not recommend? Because I did remember enjoying, definitely, parts of it, and even the ending. Nevertheless, watching it again after all these years? Never again! Never again! What is done is done - and, again, I did skip what I knew I was going to have to. I am not completely proud of it, but let me say this: God knows my heart in having borrowed and watched it again, and "In the integrity of my heart have I done this." Also, I am humbled to admit that the main character DID remind me of me.
My youngest sister and her husband were going to have me up to their place for both of those days; but then she had her third son last "Son-Day". I phoned my brother in law and found out that that meant he was doing good to welcome me up for the 25th and overnight that night! I cannot rent a car on the 25th, which means that - God willing - I will pick up the rental car tomorrow at Noon (i.e. the 24th).
That meant I was going to have a car, and nothing to necessarily do with it for a day; but now I have discovered that the Director I worked for at Carberry Bible Camp in the summer of 1995 currently lives in Cochrane (near where I am in Calgary)! I don't know if I can pay them a visit, but as I have said, "Here is 'HOPE IN'!"
Also, I do earnestly and fervently pray I will be able to show up at certain friends' place on the first of next year - of course, if God will. For whatever it is worth, I have asked a friend here in Calgary to hold me accountable to an agreement: no more visiting that place (trusting I am able to visit it, again, on the first of next year) more than once a year (of course, IF that). In other words, from now on, if those friends wanted to see me more than once a year, they would have to come and see me here. I would love it if they did - but the ball would be squarely in their court; and that would be exactly where it belongs.
Also, if there is one thing that has been settled in my mind, in no uncertain terms, it is that I am to "...-333 ... 1,910,762,114,877.1 ..." And not only that! Also, "... -333 ... 70,711,880,470.1 ..." to "...-333 ... 1,910,762,114,877.1 ..." After all, I am painfully and even mournfully aware that I could have lost that privilege! I was not trying to lose it, though - I really thought I was doing the right thing! How could I have been so sure of something so "... 60,460,385,573 ..."? I'm me. I'm not saying I like who I am - but I am saying I am me. I wish I could say I liked it, but I do not.
Let me put it this way: a while back, I beloved friend in Australia, over the phone, mentioned "... 24,306,635,642,851/-353 -83,232,561,748,300 ..." (By the way, this may seem ridiculous to say, but please bear with me... this is "-3,085,534,426,214". I know ye could really do me in if ye wanted to, but please don't! I love you!) God willing, I will phone my friend again and ask him, "Where do I start with that...?"
It would mean so much to me to see you again, and love and be loved by you - legitimately, of course, and definitely within reason.
Monday, December 21, 2015
I was thinking...
"Here my prayer, O LORD, or Jehovah - give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears. For I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. O spare me that I may recover strength before I go hence, and be no more." Psalm 39:12-13
Sometimes, things look brighter than others. Right now, I mourn; but I do also recall that Jesus blessed are ye that mourn, for ye shall be comforted. I have definitely done what I can to do the right thing, and pursue what I believed God had placed on my heart, but things have not turned out as I had hoped. I am cold, tired, and - well - happy because I am deciding to be. After all, this IS the day which the LORD, or Jehovah hath made - and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. I recall that verse from II Corinthians 4: "Sorrowful, and yet rejoicing..." ;)
Sometimes, things look brighter than others. Right now, I mourn; but I do also recall that Jesus blessed are ye that mourn, for ye shall be comforted. I have definitely done what I can to do the right thing, and pursue what I believed God had placed on my heart, but things have not turned out as I had hoped. I am cold, tired, and - well - happy because I am deciding to be. After all, this IS the day which the LORD, or Jehovah hath made - and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. I recall that verse from II Corinthians 4: "Sorrowful, and yet rejoicing..." ;)
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Good News!
My youngest sister gave birth to her third son this morning at about 2:30 AM! I apologize, again, for any degree to which what I wrote made you feel uncomfortable. I pray ye will know just how much I wanted to bless you - NOT make you feel uncomfortable. What I am saying is that it was an honest mistake.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
I said ye could do it... -revised
...and ye did. In other words, "2,135,133,137". My response? "1,455.1". Thank you for the tasteful and gracious manner in which ye said it. I know ye put a LOT of time, energy, prayer, and maybe even tears into it. If there is one thing I know, it is that ye are NOT out to get me! If ye were, I would have been in such trouble! Obviously, however, ye are willing to do whatever ye can to help me. I recall a passage from Isaiah, where God says he did everything he could for his vineyard to produce grapes - but it still produced wild grapes! My resolve is that all your efforts to get grapes - as opposed to wild grapes - out of me, are going to pay off!
In other words: "9.1 -21,461,044 -455,848,164" in making the request I did, but I will learn from it, and adjust accordingly. Obviously, I did not know what the answer would be when I made the request. If I had known, of course, I would not have made the request. Now I know, however, and I pray I will be wiser for it.
In other words: "9.1 -21,461,044 -455,848,164" in making the request I did, but I will learn from it, and adjust accordingly. Obviously, I did not know what the answer would be when I made the request. If I had known, of course, I would not have made the request. Now I know, however, and I pray I will be wiser for it.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
God willing...
...I am finally off to see "Peanuts" for the eighth time! Praying that my response to a certain letter will be what it ought to be - regardless of what it says; in Jesus name.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
I have...
...already shared this video, but I just watched it again, and enjoyed it. I have not, however, shared this one. (And was it ever a good one to watch again!) Finally, this one motivated ME to memorize that passage in Exodus XX!
I went... World Financial Group training this morning, and am glad I did. They had a lady there whose husband had passed away, and we got to see one of our representatives hand over the benefit cheque. It was good to see. I did, however, get asked how much I was going to need in order to pay for whatever house I buy straight up, without a mortgage (which I had said I have resolved to do. I have even bought "the key", and I had shown that to them as well!). I said I did not know - because I do not! After all: what if my wife wants a castle? If she does, I will (of course, God willing) get her one! Tony Robbins has a castle, and my name is Robbins, too! Far be it from me to limit God's provision by presuming to know how much or how little I need! If God will, I may go see that Peanuts movie again today! I love that story. I can very much relate to it!
Friday, November 20, 2015
Just watched... -revised
...the Peanuts Movie for the fourth time, and - for the first time - did not weep at the end. God willing, I will book a flight for Winnipeg on the 31st of next month. If I could, I would take a drive out of town the following day to help celebrate a birthday.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
The Song I am Listening to Right Now... - revised
...and then it keeps going to this song, which is great as well:!
...and then it keeps going to this song, which is great as well:!
The righteous...
...shall flourish as a palm tree - they shall grow as a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the LORD, or Jehovah, shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age. They shall be fat and flourishing - to shew that the LORD, or Jehovah, is upright. He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him. Psalm XCII.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
I saw Woodlawn again... - revised
...last night in Red Deer with my uncle! Then I stayed at his home, and discovered, "The Intimate Husband" in the room I was staying in. I read it all in one shot this morning! I told my Aunt, and she asked if I had someone in mind to marry. I said I was definitely working on something. :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
I'm overwhelmed!...
...And all I have to do (for now) is design roof trusses and floor joists! I can only imagine what certain friends must be feeling. Please rest assured, I am praying for you, in Jesus' name (complete, again, with putting the forehead to the floor here at the public library)!
P.S. I just watched THIS VIDEO!
P.S. I just watched THIS VIDEO!
Friday, October 30, 2015
Toby's Done it Again!
Personally, I would call this, "Lift Thee Up", but I know what he "meaneth"! ;) < 3
I read in Psalm CXLV. that...
...The LORD, or Jehovah, upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down; and I wait on him to continue to do that. I am listening to this song right now, and love it! And then there is also THIS SONG! In my case, however, I would have to say that I am "hope-FULL-y" devoted!
Heavenly Father, please hold me, and my friends, and their children right now, and grant that, trusting it is thy will, we may "-116,704 -72,419,348,551,252", Jesus name, amen!
See? Then there is THIS SONG!
All I can say is: Hooray for Toby! And, of course, my friends! At least ye know ye have an opportunity if ye want it!
P.S. One last song! VERY applicable!
Heavenly Father, please hold me, and my friends, and their children right now, and grant that, trusting it is thy will, we may "-116,704 -72,419,348,551,252", Jesus name, amen!
See? Then there is THIS SONG!
All I can say is: Hooray for Toby! And, of course, my friends! At least ye know ye have an opportunity if ye want it!
P.S. One last song! VERY applicable!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
I did it! - Revised
I phoned my parents and told them both I love them; because I resolved that I had better be a good steward of the parents I already have. After all, how can I expect certain friends to do as I have asked (and I definitely would love for them to do it), otherwise!
P.S. Here is a song from "This is not a Test", by Toby Mac; which I have been enjoying:
Here is the actual song!
P.S. Here is a song from "This is not a Test", by Toby Mac; which I have been enjoying:
Here is the actual song!
Monday, October 26, 2015
I am believing for the best, but...
...of course, I understand, regardless of the outcome.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
If I were in...
.."certain people's" shoes right now (I was thinking right now), I would be in shock; and, therefore, I pray, in Jesus' name, for my friends right now. I pray that our Heavenly Father will be with them and give them wisdom, and a peace that passes all understanding. (I put my forehead to the floor on that one, right here at the public library! ;)) Bless you!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
...I was able to talk to my friend, and communicate what was on my heart. As I said earlier, I pray, from the bottom of my heart, that what I said will be a blessing, and result in it being easier to get through the day (for the intended recipient of the apologies).
Friday, October 2, 2015
...that I will be able to make an apology for three matters that have been on my heart - and that they will result in the other party feeling relieved, knowing that they are definitely glad I persevered with apologizing; in Jesus' name, amen. God willing, I will make a phone call tomorrow morning to communicate what is on my heart. A friend has agreed to hear me out and pass on what I share.
"Make me to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice..." Psalm XXXII.
"Make me to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice..." Psalm XXXII.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Here is the thing about... (revised)
...being "desperate": (...actually, I am going to list two things...)
a) The word would not even come close to describing my feelings - if it applied, and it doesn't, because I refuse to LET it apply! Again: "I'm NOT desperate!"
b) What I AM is "HUNGRY"! And guess what Jesus said! "BLESSED are ye which do HUNGER AND THIRST after RIGTHEOUSNESS, for ye shall be FILLED!" See? I am DEFINITELY hungry for RIGHTEOUSNESS! Again: see? Waiting OVER FOUR DECADES for one's bride? And then desiring to get MARRIED to her, and LOVE HER, and GIVE MYSELF FOR HER? That is DEFINITELY "righteousness", and it is what I am HUNGRY for without apology.
The thing that is so frightening is that I know that feelings like these are anything but safe. They must be reciprocated, or else there is disappointment. I, however, have come WAY too far to turn back now (I feel)! I pray, in Jesus' name, that the people I feel so strongly about marrying will feel the same way about me - and that God will move heaven and earth to give us whom we want - EACH OTHER! Believe me, he will have to, if it is going to happen; but I pray that it WILL happen, in Jesus' name, amen!.
"To the chief musician upon Shoshanim for the sons of Korah - Maschil; A SONG OF LOVES
My heart is indicting a good matter - I speak of the things which I have made touching the king. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer..." Psalm XXXXV.
a) The word would not even come close to describing my feelings - if it applied, and it doesn't, because I refuse to LET it apply! Again: "I'm NOT desperate!"
b) What I AM is "HUNGRY"! And guess what Jesus said! "BLESSED are ye which do HUNGER AND THIRST after RIGTHEOUSNESS, for ye shall be FILLED!" See? I am DEFINITELY hungry for RIGHTEOUSNESS! Again: see? Waiting OVER FOUR DECADES for one's bride? And then desiring to get MARRIED to her, and LOVE HER, and GIVE MYSELF FOR HER? That is DEFINITELY "righteousness", and it is what I am HUNGRY for without apology.
The thing that is so frightening is that I know that feelings like these are anything but safe. They must be reciprocated, or else there is disappointment. I, however, have come WAY too far to turn back now (I feel)! I pray, in Jesus' name, that the people I feel so strongly about marrying will feel the same way about me - and that God will move heaven and earth to give us whom we want - EACH OTHER! Believe me, he will have to, if it is going to happen; but I pray that it WILL happen, in Jesus' name, amen!.
"To the chief musician upon Shoshanim for the sons of Korah - Maschil; A SONG OF LOVES
My heart is indicting a good matter - I speak of the things which I have made touching the king. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer..." Psalm XXXXV.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Trying to find...
...the federal candidates for my riding it proving to be a surprising challenge. I did, however, discover this helpful website:
I like the fact that is lists Conservative AND "Christian Heritage Party" candidates. Not that it seems the CHP will ever actually elect anyone - simply that I appreciate them anyway; and I definitely do NOT agree with the fallacy that voting for them is supposedly voting for the NDP or Liberals. That, in my opinion, is putting words in the voter's mouth. I vote for the LIBERALS or NDP is a vote for the Liberals or NDP. A vote for the CHP is a vote for the CHP.
And I would never blame anyone for voting CHP if they had the option. Not that I do not intend to run and win someday - simply, again, that that is certainly not today. By the way, I did email the Prime Minister and heard back from one of his staff, thanking me for the email. Anyone can do this at: I made sure to mention I had a friend who works for Canada Post, and that he had not had a good experience with that Postal strike, among other things.
See, I encouraged the Prime Minister to speak out against forced abortion in China - after all, that is not even a choice!
By the way, I asked my sister if she would consider helping me get to Winnipeg and back. If ye could pray that that works out, I would really appreciate it! She had asked me if I planned to be there for thanksgiving.
I like the fact that is lists Conservative AND "Christian Heritage Party" candidates. Not that it seems the CHP will ever actually elect anyone - simply that I appreciate them anyway; and I definitely do NOT agree with the fallacy that voting for them is supposedly voting for the NDP or Liberals. That, in my opinion, is putting words in the voter's mouth. I vote for the LIBERALS or NDP is a vote for the Liberals or NDP. A vote for the CHP is a vote for the CHP.
And I would never blame anyone for voting CHP if they had the option. Not that I do not intend to run and win someday - simply, again, that that is certainly not today. By the way, I did email the Prime Minister and heard back from one of his staff, thanking me for the email. Anyone can do this at: I made sure to mention I had a friend who works for Canada Post, and that he had not had a good experience with that Postal strike, among other things.
See, I encouraged the Prime Minister to speak out against forced abortion in China - after all, that is not even a choice!
By the way, I asked my sister if she would consider helping me get to Winnipeg and back. If ye could pray that that works out, I would really appreciate it! She had asked me if I planned to be there for thanksgiving.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Being Happy...
...On Purpose
I know I have to do it, because according to Joel Osteen (one of my heroes, personally), if I am not happy now, I will never be happy when I am married. For my part? I am DETERMINED to be happy when I am married, which is why I am determined to be happy NOW!
I pray, in Jesus' name, that God will do exceeding, abundantly above and beyond all that we can ask or think, and meet my friends' need so handily, that they are ready and willing to fly me to Manitoba for a visit!
I know I have to do it, because according to Joel Osteen (one of my heroes, personally), if I am not happy now, I will never be happy when I am married. For my part? I am DETERMINED to be happy when I am married, which is why I am determined to be happy NOW!
I pray, in Jesus' name, that God will do exceeding, abundantly above and beyond all that we can ask or think, and meet my friends' need so handily, that they are ready and willing to fly me to Manitoba for a visit!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
1. Go ye forth!... - revised
...and watch "Room-War"! /
Maketh me - that movie - "ROAR!" /
That's right - IN! The The-... a-... tre! /
What suppose ye? That I'll "purr"? /
2. Then again, it's also true: /
I'm wont, also, that, to do! /
Daniel Robbins
(Psalm CIIII.21)
Maketh me - that movie - "ROAR!" /
That's right - IN! The The-... a-... tre! /
What suppose ye? That I'll "purr"? /
2. Then again, it's also true: /
I'm wont, also, that, to do! /
Daniel Robbins
(Psalm CIIII.21)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Am listening to... - revised YET again!
...this, right now! What a great song!
P.S. Here is another great one by the same artist!
P.S.S. Another ... ...two!
I'll tell you - this Brit Nicole is such a inspiration. And she has been through a lot more than me! It encourages me to remember simply let my suffering be a channel of God's blessing to others!
P.S. Here is another great one by the same artist!
P.S.S. Another ... ...two!
I'll tell you - this Brit Nicole is such a inspiration. And she has been through a lot more than me! It encourages me to remember simply let my suffering be a channel of God's blessing to others!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Better day... - revised
..."no roars"! (See, in Australia, they like to say, "Nah-ooh Wah-oo-ries!" Again: today, it was "no roars"! ;)) There was even "no Garret" until about 9:30 AM. Interestingly, last night, I got up at 3 AM and realized there had been a power outage, because my alarm clock was flashing on and off. Therefore, I reset it. That likely helped me with being up on time this morning. Then again, as I often do, I had it set for 4 something AM, and then turned it OFF! (I NEVER use "snooze"!) And went back to a more shallow sleep. Shallow enough that I monitor the time from time to time. This morning, that was until it was just before 6 AM - early enough to get out and on the train, and even eventually on a 409 bus, which got me there 10 minutes early.
Well, Garret mentioned the same power outage, as one of the reasons he was so late. I should make a point of getting a "backup" battery for my alarm clock. And Garret definitely did not say that ridiculously crass word again - and I am glad he didn't! He sure drops the f-bomb like there is no tomorrow, but that is what my ear muffs are for - and do I ever use them!
Heavenly Father, may that "loaded" envelope I put in the mail be a blessing, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Well, Garret mentioned the same power outage, as one of the reasons he was so late. I should make a point of getting a "backup" battery for my alarm clock. And Garret definitely did not say that ridiculously crass word again - and I am glad he didn't! He sure drops the f-bomb like there is no tomorrow, but that is what my ear muffs are for - and do I ever use them!
Heavenly Father, may that "loaded" envelope I put in the mail be a blessing, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Monday, September 14, 2015
I came out of church last night (Kensington Commons, again), and - again - prayed for "perfect timing" with the number 1 bus. This time, once again, it was perfect; but with a definite twist! See, the bus wasn't right there at a red light, as it had been last time. Therefore, I decided to try texting Calgary Transit, because - when it works - they tell you when the bus will be arriving. The last couple of time I had tried it, it hadn't worked, though - and yet you still have to pay for sending the text message (especially when you are me, and you do NOT have "unlimited" anything on your cell phone! Now, it only costs 20 cents per text, but I still don't like wasting 20 cents.)
I sent the text... Again! It came back saying, "this service is unavailable"... Guess what I did then!... That's right! I roared! Then I tried to find a number 1 schedule in my backpack. I had a lot of schedules, but not a number 1 schedule. Then I realized there was a schedule in the pocket of my blue jacket (which I had not been wearing over the summer). I pulled it out, and it was a number 1 schedule. I was trying to look up the arrival time, when... there was the bus coming!
Therefore, again: the timing was perfect, but in a different sense this time! Obviously, God must have known I need to get a "roar" out of my system; which certainly happened.
This morning, as I walked from the bus stop to work? More roars! It was early enough that there was hardly anyone around. Whence those roars? Garret. A twenty-year-old with one last week to go at the company I work at. I was wrestling with what to do about him.
He doesn't just swear. He says the unspeakably obnoxious word that refers to the womb - but it starts with "c". He did it again today, and I made a written record of it. I think he reads those records of mine, too - and he might be pretty angry about them. Please pray for me - and him! I certainly have no pleasure in his death; and if he goes around being "over-much wicked" like that, he WILL die!
Also, I put up a "War-Room" poster by my desk. That is a movie that will be showing in theatres in Canada starting on the 18th. I was invited to a screening, and went, and was definitely impressed.
P.S. I put a real fat envelope in the mail over the weekend - big enough that I put two stamps on it, to make sure it goes through! :)
I sent the text... Again! It came back saying, "this service is unavailable"... Guess what I did then!... That's right! I roared! Then I tried to find a number 1 schedule in my backpack. I had a lot of schedules, but not a number 1 schedule. Then I realized there was a schedule in the pocket of my blue jacket (which I had not been wearing over the summer). I pulled it out, and it was a number 1 schedule. I was trying to look up the arrival time, when... there was the bus coming!
Therefore, again: the timing was perfect, but in a different sense this time! Obviously, God must have known I need to get a "roar" out of my system; which certainly happened.
This morning, as I walked from the bus stop to work? More roars! It was early enough that there was hardly anyone around. Whence those roars? Garret. A twenty-year-old with one last week to go at the company I work at. I was wrestling with what to do about him.
He doesn't just swear. He says the unspeakably obnoxious word that refers to the womb - but it starts with "c". He did it again today, and I made a written record of it. I think he reads those records of mine, too - and he might be pretty angry about them. Please pray for me - and him! I certainly have no pleasure in his death; and if he goes around being "over-much wicked" like that, he WILL die!
Also, I put up a "War-Room" poster by my desk. That is a movie that will be showing in theatres in Canada starting on the 18th. I was invited to a screening, and went, and was definitely impressed.
P.S. I put a real fat envelope in the mail over the weekend - big enough that I put two stamps on it, to make sure it goes through! :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
My landlord!
I heard him on the phone at 2:30 AM! It did not sound good! Sure enough! He was phoning the ambulance! I sure pray he is OK, in Jesus' name!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
The ticket!
The extra ticket! I did not even have to pay for it, because my friend's wife bought it for her daughter! Thank you so much to whoever prayed about my situation. I do love you, OK? I cannot help it!
Monday, September 7, 2015
...but... - revised
...I still go. Remember how Paul wrote in I Corinthians XV. that he laboured harder then them all - yet it was not him, but the grace of God in him? I can definitely relate to what he was saying there. Now, I'm here alone at the hotel. I just checked out - so I definitely saved some money by doing that. (I was going to rent the room for two nights, but seeing I had to "-62,994" my "-4,576,105,282" out, I no longer need it. After all, I was seeking to make sure "-171" was comfortable. I wound up only paying for one night, which, again, will save me money.)
I also, however, have two tickets for the football game to somehow pay for. What comes to mind, however, is:
"Count it all joy, my brethren, when ye fall into divers temptations - knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Let patience have her perfect work in you, that ye may be perfect and entire; wanting nothing." James I
I do, however, pray that I will at least be able to find someone to use the (now) extra ticket - even if I have to pay for them both. It is a very lonely feeling right now, though, and I mourn.
And I definitely pray for my "-4,576,105,282", that God will be with "-4510", watch over "-4510", and reveal to "-4510" the need to "198,420".
Last night, I came out of church and prayed for perfect timing with the bus. In the past, I have had to wait a very long time for the number 1 bus; and I wanted this time to be different. Then, I looked to my right. There was a number 1 bus! Not only was it there - it was at a red light! That meant I had time to run to the bus stop before it got there. It was, indeed, perfect.
However, there were two young men on the bus who were profane. Not quite enough for me to complain to the driver, but it sure is a good thing they didn't let another f-bomb drop. By the way, I do not allow myself to use that word.
If I ever catch myself indulging in it, I remember. I remember my mother saying not to even let it roll off my tongue - but I also remember a friend, who got an article off her wall when I asked if she would. And it was on account of that word. Therefore, I resolve to (as I quoted before): "Take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue. I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me..." Psalm XXXIX.1-2
Just like that bus, though, I pray that God will have mercy and let me look up and see my "-6,282,801". Just like that number 1 bus was right there - at the red light, giving me time to be at the stop; I pray that God will work things out perfectly. Once, however, I am "on the bus", I pray that I will know what to do - and that he will help me when I DON'T know what to do!
Again, I got on the bus, but there was a problem! Two young men who where polluting the air! It was definitely a problem, but I dealt with it the best way I knew how. (I looked at the one young man when I decided he had pushed things far enough). I have no idea what I am going to have to do as a "house-band" (a.k.a. husband) and father; but I don't want to be alone like this. If I were married, I would not even try to make something like this fly - putting up my "-4,576,105,282" in a hotel. For one thing, my wife would probably see that it was a bad idea, and keep me from attempting it. As things stand, I learned a painful lesson.
I do want to do it ("-5339" "-571,204,558"), though - even though I know I will never be the same. I will even be...
...(Backgrounder: I once heard the saying: "man is not complete until he is married - then he is really finished!")...
..."really finished". Seriously! I accept that! I know I have said this before, and I can only imagine what I am asking for, but "bring it on" anyway.
I also, however, have two tickets for the football game to somehow pay for. What comes to mind, however, is:
"Count it all joy, my brethren, when ye fall into divers temptations - knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Let patience have her perfect work in you, that ye may be perfect and entire; wanting nothing." James I
I do, however, pray that I will at least be able to find someone to use the (now) extra ticket - even if I have to pay for them both. It is a very lonely feeling right now, though, and I mourn.
And I definitely pray for my "-4,576,105,282", that God will be with "-4510", watch over "-4510", and reveal to "-4510" the need to "198,420".
Last night, I came out of church and prayed for perfect timing with the bus. In the past, I have had to wait a very long time for the number 1 bus; and I wanted this time to be different. Then, I looked to my right. There was a number 1 bus! Not only was it there - it was at a red light! That meant I had time to run to the bus stop before it got there. It was, indeed, perfect.
However, there were two young men on the bus who were profane. Not quite enough for me to complain to the driver, but it sure is a good thing they didn't let another f-bomb drop. By the way, I do not allow myself to use that word.
If I ever catch myself indulging in it, I remember. I remember my mother saying not to even let it roll off my tongue - but I also remember a friend, who got an article off her wall when I asked if she would. And it was on account of that word. Therefore, I resolve to (as I quoted before): "Take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue. I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me..." Psalm XXXIX.1-2
Just like that bus, though, I pray that God will have mercy and let me look up and see my "-6,282,801". Just like that number 1 bus was right there - at the red light, giving me time to be at the stop; I pray that God will work things out perfectly. Once, however, I am "on the bus", I pray that I will know what to do - and that he will help me when I DON'T know what to do!
Again, I got on the bus, but there was a problem! Two young men who where polluting the air! It was definitely a problem, but I dealt with it the best way I knew how. (I looked at the one young man when I decided he had pushed things far enough). I have no idea what I am going to have to do as a "house-band" (a.k.a. husband) and father; but I don't want to be alone like this. If I were married, I would not even try to make something like this fly - putting up my "-4,576,105,282" in a hotel. For one thing, my wife would probably see that it was a bad idea, and keep me from attempting it. As things stand, I learned a painful lesson.
I do want to do it ("-5339" "-571,204,558"), though - even though I know I will never be the same. I will even be...
...(Backgrounder: I once heard the saying: "man is not complete until he is married - then he is really finished!")...
..."really finished". Seriously! I accept that! I know I have said this before, and I can only imagine what I am asking for, but "bring it on" anyway.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
God willing was right!
It was actually getting ME off to church. And, by the way, I pray that God will vindicate me because I... showed... up.
Checking out the hotel near where I live...
...because, if God will, I will be needing it to host a friend! Not that I want to be presumptuous. If he doesn't want to come, I understand, but: "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, or Jehovah, as the rivers of waters - he turneth it withersoever he will." (Proverbs XXI.1) My prayer is: "Abba! Father! Turn the king's heart!" (I prayed that with my forehead to the floor right here in the business centre at the jolly hotel where I have rented a room for two nights so that my brother can be comfortable. He wants to see the Stampeders game tomorrow. Why, some may I ask, have I been praying with my face to the floor? Because enough is enough! Because it is on! Because when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Also, "the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof - but canst not tell whence it cometh and wither it goeth - so is everyone that is born of the spirit." (John III. something like verse six or seven))
I have been praying like that for a long time, actually - and one of my cherished memories was living in Moose Jaw, and having two young Mormon Missionary "Elders" (and - hey! They ARE mature for their age! So hooray for them!) coming over. And then we would pray, and I would get down on my elbows and knees and my face to the floor, and before I knew it, THEY would instinctively do that when we went to pray before they left! They loved it! They picked up on it! Just how powerful it was.
Also? Screwtape Letters! C.S. Lewis! It says that posture in prayer is CRUCIAL! And C.S. Lewis is RIGHT about that! Alright! Time to, God willing, and by the grace of God, get my brother off to CHURCH... at Kensington Commons Church!
I have been praying like that for a long time, actually - and one of my cherished memories was living in Moose Jaw, and having two young Mormon Missionary "Elders" (and - hey! They ARE mature for their age! So hooray for them!) coming over. And then we would pray, and I would get down on my elbows and knees and my face to the floor, and before I knew it, THEY would instinctively do that when we went to pray before they left! They loved it! They picked up on it! Just how powerful it was.
Also? Screwtape Letters! C.S. Lewis! It says that posture in prayer is CRUCIAL! And C.S. Lewis is RIGHT about that! Alright! Time to, God willing, and by the grace of God, get my brother off to CHURCH... at Kensington Commons Church!
Thursday, September 3, 2015
I am definitely glad I made that trip! I was reminded to never give up! Strongholds that seemed like they never would be broken, broke! I showed my parents "Inside Out" (my brother did not want to watch "a cartoon", so he went to Chapters instead.) Ironically, my Mom was the only one that didn't cry! (I always cry at that movie). Then I went and saw a screening of the movie "War Room"! It was really good!
I must admit: at work, I was reminded to be thankful when I have to wait for new things. For example: designing floors. I said I was ready, but then had to wait a long time before actually starting to design floor joists. I am so glad for that waiting time, because it is a real learning curve. I can only imagine what finally getting married and having children is going to be like. Especially for me! I am listening to yet another song:
"Who but thee (also known as 'you') ;)"
P.S. A Happy Birthday to a good friend of mine!
I must admit: at work, I was reminded to be thankful when I have to wait for new things. For example: designing floors. I said I was ready, but then had to wait a long time before actually starting to design floor joists. I am so glad for that waiting time, because it is a real learning curve. I can only imagine what finally getting married and having children is going to be like. Especially for me! I am listening to yet another song:
"Who but thee (also known as 'you') ;)"
P.S. A Happy Birthday to a good friend of mine!
Monday, August 31, 2015
Yet another poem last night...
..., I report, I wrote - did write! ;)
P.S. I am in Lethbridge now, waiting to meet my parents and brother, God willing, at the bus depot.
P.S. I am in Lethbridge now, waiting to meet my parents and brother, God willing, at the bus depot.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Now I am listening to this song:
If I could. I was just, however, reading Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 18, and Romans 2 (three chapters of the Bible I am convinced need to get more air time). I find Ezekiel 18, in particular, a heartening reminder that we CAN - not REwrite history; but just plain write it! And I love the way the song ends by capturing the fact that - of a truth - it IS still good, because God still loves us. I wrote some more poetry again - but, this time, it was only seventeen verses.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Token for good!
I went to see Inside Out (actually, I have seen it twice now, and - God willing - I will see it in 3D this "Saturn" Day, also known as "Satur...".) I enjoyed the short film that precedes the feature movie, called "Lava." To me, that was a "last-verse-of-Psalm-96" token for good!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
What would I want...
...if I were in my friend's (even friends') shoes? Time and room - and therefore I have decided that is what they are going to continue to get!
Monday, August 24, 2015
Again, though...
...I know only too well how it feels when you're not exactly feeling on top of the world, and then someone else comes along and tries to help "fix" your situation! And you don't want ANY help with "fixing" your situation! You will "fix" it yourself, just fine - thank you very much. I do apologize for - again - provoking my friend. Again: I know how it feels to be provoked like that, and it is so enraging, it is not even funny! Also, I don't mean to take personally what was said - it just really did cut me very deeply, and left me, in a sense (as I said in an earlier post) "On the Sidewalk Bleeding." I still reel from the deep wound, and pray that, somehow, my friend will be able to find it in "-2,396,687,435" to "-3,639,455,849,682". Once again, I definitely "-3,639,455,849,682"!
"...but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs
"...but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Slow Internet! (Revised)
I must say, life is really feeling like a grind! Apparently, all the computers at the library have a slow Internet connection; but is it ever a test of patience! I am reminded of: "God hath made man to walk upright - but he hath sought out many inventions" from Ecclesiastes. Yesterday, I wanted to get up, hike Nose Hill Park, do the Cheesecake Company buffet, and then eventually make use of my seven free days at Gold's Gym; but that did not happen.
What did, was me drying a blanket and a pair of socks, (I think) reading my own writing, (definitely) doing more writing of my own, and then picking up "Brother Andrew - God's Secret Agent". It is a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) "Christian Heroes Then And Now" book. I wound up spending a lot of the day reading that - and enjoying it! I can definitely relate to him! Only, I have never had to live under a Nazi regime! (Or fight in an actual army!)
I made some toast, made a smoothie (which I had not done in a while, so I was glad to "get caught up" in that regard. After all - I bought a Blend-Tec! I might as well use it!) I also got invited to a Calgary Stampeder game; so I went to Gold's Gym, and then got picked up for the game.
I did not know it was going to get so cold! If I had, I would have brought my warmest jacket! The Stampeders mauled the opposing team (Ottawa)! 48 to 3! I can definitely say I have been to a Stampeders' game now!
I have been on the computer for NINETY MINUTES now! And this song has FINALLY "buffered" to the point where I can watch all of it! (And, now that it has FINALLY bufferED, I AM at least listening to it in the background, over and over.)
Then, there's always this page! And I noticed, at the bottom of the page where Psalm "LXXIX" begins, someone has written "morning. 16." (I am referring to where they have an actual image of the original 1611 edition - you can click on it, and it will enlarge). That is obviously a reference to the fact that this is today's first "morning Psalm" if you are following this schedule.
By the way? I am following this schedule... again (Psalms and Proverbs once a month). And I am doing good to follow it. I wasn't even doing that for a time. Remember how, of Jesus, it was said: "A bruised reed, he will not crush, and a smoking flax, he will not put out?" That applies to me.
I know some people, as far as I know, think I am missing the point, because I am not focusing on Jesus. Well? I am doing what I can - and, incidentally - that means giving it everything I have got. Just like that woman anointed him with the box of alabaster that was worth a year's wages. And other people thought she was "missing the point." Again: well, according to Jesus, she was "right on the money." And he said, "She hath done what she could." In like manner, I have done was I can - and I continue to do so.
I once heard it said, "Jesus always takes the part of the person being criticized, and criticizes the criticizer."
"Heavenly Father, please remember me, and go to bat for me, in Jesus' name, amen."
What did, was me drying a blanket and a pair of socks, (I think) reading my own writing, (definitely) doing more writing of my own, and then picking up "Brother Andrew - God's Secret Agent". It is a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) "Christian Heroes Then And Now" book. I wound up spending a lot of the day reading that - and enjoying it! I can definitely relate to him! Only, I have never had to live under a Nazi regime! (Or fight in an actual army!)
I made some toast, made a smoothie (which I had not done in a while, so I was glad to "get caught up" in that regard. After all - I bought a Blend-Tec! I might as well use it!) I also got invited to a Calgary Stampeder game; so I went to Gold's Gym, and then got picked up for the game.
I did not know it was going to get so cold! If I had, I would have brought my warmest jacket! The Stampeders mauled the opposing team (Ottawa)! 48 to 3! I can definitely say I have been to a Stampeders' game now!
I have been on the computer for NINETY MINUTES now! And this song has FINALLY "buffered" to the point where I can watch all of it! (And, now that it has FINALLY bufferED, I AM at least listening to it in the background, over and over.)
Then, there's always this page! And I noticed, at the bottom of the page where Psalm "LXXIX" begins, someone has written "morning. 16." (I am referring to where they have an actual image of the original 1611 edition - you can click on it, and it will enlarge). That is obviously a reference to the fact that this is today's first "morning Psalm" if you are following this schedule.
By the way? I am following this schedule... again (Psalms and Proverbs once a month). And I am doing good to follow it. I wasn't even doing that for a time. Remember how, of Jesus, it was said: "A bruised reed, he will not crush, and a smoking flax, he will not put out?" That applies to me.
I know some people, as far as I know, think I am missing the point, because I am not focusing on Jesus. Well? I am doing what I can - and, incidentally - that means giving it everything I have got. Just like that woman anointed him with the box of alabaster that was worth a year's wages. And other people thought she was "missing the point." Again: well, according to Jesus, she was "right on the money." And he said, "She hath done what she could." In like manner, I have done was I can - and I continue to do so.
I once heard it said, "Jesus always takes the part of the person being criticized, and criticizes the criticizer."
"Heavenly Father, please remember me, and go to bat for me, in Jesus' name, amen."
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The lines are fallen unto me... pleasant places - yea, I have a goodly heritage. Psalm XVI.6 :) < 3
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
-3,233,326,538.1! 1,812,650,957.1
By the way, I have already alluded to this, but I certainly "-3,639,455,849,682" for "900,495,356,807" my "-112,239,010" to say what "-171" did.
By the way, I have already alluded to this, but I certainly "-3,639,455,849,682" for "900,495,356,807" my "-112,239,010" to say what "-171" did.
-150,382,010 |
Monday, August 10, 2015
Listening to the following song: - revised yet again... and again! ;)
"I Need a Miracle"...
Definitely applicable. I'm going to give my opinion here, but I think I need my "-112,239,010" to get on a "1,545,498", and get to "-4,449,371,163.1" as soon as feasible. I even looked at "-3,130,860,891". Next month, if not later is definitely the most economical. So, why this request? So I can explain why I think what "-2,453,554,621" calls for an "-4,992,394,839". In short, I had to "-3,639,455,849,682" to "-4,510" once. The bottom line was: I realized I ought to. It did not happen right away, but once I thought about it long enough, I was prepared to - again - "-3,639,455,849,682".
For clarification, though: I respect the fact that, right now, as far as I know, "-171" thinks "-171" is "2,553,532". I sure did, when I was at first "-83,309,279,440,654" by "-4510". "-171.1" might even still think it, when all is said and done. As long as I have had a chance to "-29,250" my "-225,837", however, I will rest content.
"The words of his mouth were smoother than oil - yet were they drawn swords". Psalm 55
Definitely applicable. I'm going to give my opinion here, but I think I need my "-112,239,010" to get on a "1,545,498", and get to "-4,449,371,163.1" as soon as feasible. I even looked at "-3,130,860,891". Next month, if not later is definitely the most economical. So, why this request? So I can explain why I think what "-2,453,554,621" calls for an "-4,992,394,839". In short, I had to "-3,639,455,849,682" to "-4,510" once. The bottom line was: I realized I ought to. It did not happen right away, but once I thought about it long enough, I was prepared to - again - "-3,639,455,849,682".
For clarification, though: I respect the fact that, right now, as far as I know, "-171" thinks "-171" is "2,553,532". I sure did, when I was at first "-83,309,279,440,654" by "-4510". "-171.1" might even still think it, when all is said and done. As long as I have had a chance to "-29,250" my "-225,837", however, I will rest content.
"The words of his mouth were smoother than oil - yet were they drawn swords". Psalm 55
Thursday, August 6, 2015
"Groan!"...:) - revised
This is one of those weeks where I am really doing that - but I sure am thankful that, whereas I feel the weariness on certain fronts, things are actually encouraging at work. Shawn is definitely not giving me a hard time - and I think is even happy with the work I am doing; and Kevin (the sales manager - and, really, the de facto manager) also did not give me a hard time - even when I could not find the job he wanted me to look up! He just left me to it and went back down to do other stuff. Sure enough, I found it, and got him what he had asked for.
Also, I phone my friend up, and what do I hear in the background? A crying little girl! Definitely having a crisis. And I'm there: I don't have to deal with that yet, OK? I'm not going to be mad about that fact! I'm even going to be thankful for it. Yes, it's lonely and definitely awful at times - but I've got another married friend on Facebook whose son keeps taking off his diapers and then "making deposits". Again: "Don't have to deal with that either... yet!" And definitely thankful I don't.
I'm groaning - and even, as I told my friend, ROARING as needs be; but thankful to be alive! And I know that "He shall bring it to pass" Psalm 37:5
"...and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light; and thy judgment as the noon day." (Verse 6)
Also, I phone my friend up, and what do I hear in the background? A crying little girl! Definitely having a crisis. And I'm there: I don't have to deal with that yet, OK? I'm not going to be mad about that fact! I'm even going to be thankful for it. Yes, it's lonely and definitely awful at times - but I've got another married friend on Facebook whose son keeps taking off his diapers and then "making deposits". Again: "Don't have to deal with that either... yet!" And definitely thankful I don't.
I'm groaning - and even, as I told my friend, ROARING as needs be; but thankful to be alive! And I know that "He shall bring it to pass" Psalm 37:5
"...and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light; and thy judgment as the noon day." (Verse 6)
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
...And, last, but not least?... - revised
Ready for your hint?
<3 p="">
P.S. I cannot get it to stop saying: "data-blogger-escaped-p="">" after the hint - please ignore it!
Ready for your hint?
<3 p="">
P.S. I cannot get it to stop saying: "data-blogger-escaped-p="">" after the hint - please ignore it!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Then again...
...what do I know! Perhaps the "Ping-Pong-ball" syndrome will be taken to a whole new level! Either way, I'm not there yet, and I accept that. I'm sure thankful for friends, however, who have obviously made room for me in their lives, and, I think, have benefited. I know I sure have! It has been raining and even hailing very heavily here in Calgary! Sure glad I had my umbrella! I don't leave home without it! Most of the time, I use it to keep the sun off my head; but then when it rains (or even hails), I'm covered! I was reviewing Psalm 22 in my mind, because it is one of today's evening Psalms. I think it is a reminder not to jump to conclusions when someone seems to be out of the blessing of God. I know it can be tempting to say, "See! Look at that! We knew it! The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof, and now we have proof that so-and-so veered from God's will." David, in this Psalm, sure seemed to be - again - at odds with God's will; and so did his son, Jesus the Messiah, also known as the Christ. He, however, was - as the story goes - FULFILLING God's will. And I'm sure glad David, and Jesus, had friends in their time of need. I remember my friends - again - and salute you. And, I confess, I need you.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Wow!... about a change of plans! I was too tired to get up and hike Nose Hill Park this morning (even though I wanted to). I lay there and then had a bath...
By the way: I have been discovering that - definitely when I have a bath, and they are almost always several hours; it is a really good idea to DO the cold rinse at the end. Furthermore, I have been learning HOW to do it...
Add cold water to what you've ALREADY GOT! Believe me! That is plenty shocking to the system as it is! Give your body time to adjust to the shock, and then do it again! It sure beats trying to go from "straight hot" to "straight cold". Even after two "cool-down" rinses like that? I STILL felt VERY hot after my bath; so, in the future, I am going to do even more "cool-down-rinse" iterations!
It meant, though, that I never got to the brunch buffet I wanted to get to. It makes me look forward to being married - then I won't feel like such a Ping-Pong-ball; not even knowing what I am going to wind up doing in a day!
The good news is I did get my suit jacket to Hold Renfrew, and they sowed a button back on. It popped off when I was walking on my hands! And before I walked on my hands, the person I was going to "show-off" to said, "Wait... You're in a suit..." But I wouldn't listen.
I definitely respect Holt Renfrew for not charging me for this, though.
In the tub, I read a chapter from "The Be Happy Attitudes", by Robert Schuller. It was entitled: "I Need Help, and I Cannot Do it Alone." That is definitely where I am at.
By the way: I have been discovering that - definitely when I have a bath, and they are almost always several hours; it is a really good idea to DO the cold rinse at the end. Furthermore, I have been learning HOW to do it...
Add cold water to what you've ALREADY GOT! Believe me! That is plenty shocking to the system as it is! Give your body time to adjust to the shock, and then do it again! It sure beats trying to go from "straight hot" to "straight cold". Even after two "cool-down" rinses like that? I STILL felt VERY hot after my bath; so, in the future, I am going to do even more "cool-down-rinse" iterations!
It meant, though, that I never got to the brunch buffet I wanted to get to. It makes me look forward to being married - then I won't feel like such a Ping-Pong-ball; not even knowing what I am going to wind up doing in a day!
The good news is I did get my suit jacket to Hold Renfrew, and they sowed a button back on. It popped off when I was walking on my hands! And before I walked on my hands, the person I was going to "show-off" to said, "Wait... You're in a suit..." But I wouldn't listen.
I definitely respect Holt Renfrew for not charging me for this, though.
In the tub, I read a chapter from "The Be Happy Attitudes", by Robert Schuller. It was entitled: "I Need Help, and I Cannot Do it Alone." That is definitely where I am at.
Friday, July 31, 2015
By the way...
...remember that band I used to love to listen to? And a good friend of mine hated it? And She even cared enough about me to tell me so? Well, I was remembering one of their songs yesterday (which I used to absolutely love), and decided to listen to it. (Found it on You-tube). I didn't finish the song, though. I decided: "She was right. There is a lot to hate about this." I hope she is proud.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
I am at work right now...
...and it is 9:12 PM, and am still buried in work... It was an awful day today. You know, even being me is awful. Not that I do not love it - just that I feel REALLY in over my head these days. I mean, how could I EVER have wound up being where I am right now? Let me simply say: I am REALLY feeling the struggle right now. And pray that God will redeem all of this, in such a way that amazes and blesses everyone involved, "exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask, think, or dream." In Jesus' name, amen.
P.S. Here's a poem I actually rewrote, when someone requested a poem, which I had written, and which I had mentioned in church once. I couldn't find it, so I rewrote it.
P.S. Here's a poem I actually rewrote, when someone requested a poem, which I had written, and which I had mentioned in church once. I couldn't find it, so I rewrote it.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Hold Each Other - revised
Because ye can, is my humble request. After all, I am doing my part! I got up as early as possible, last "Saturn Day" morning (also known as "Satur...") and took the bus and train to Nose Hill Park. I hiked up it, and practiced my four Psalms, song, and etc. Then I hiked down a different way than the way I had hiked up (after all, you can do that, when you have a transit pass as your way of getting around - and, also, when you are just by yourself.)
Then, as I am on my way to get "fries supreme" at Taco Time (at Market Mall), I discover the Cheesecake Company. And a sign says they are having a brunch buffet. Therefore, I go in and get it! Then, I keep walking, and eventually get tired enough that I just HAVE to lie down on some grass and have a nap!
Then, I keep going, eventually stop by the library, head to Centre Street Church, hear Brian Stiller (former president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada) speak on Evangelicalism. It was good - especially seeing I have been born again (...AGAIN!), though I also definitely have a lot in common with Evangelicals...
Do ye know what? He did make "Christ being the only means of salvation" one of the essential points of Evangelicalism (and, of course, I stop short of agreeing with him on even that - and, yes, I admit, that is shocking even to me right now! I mean, who would have ever thought I would disagree with that! I mean, who wants to get crucified; and in fundamentalism and evangelicalism, you DO get crucified for not believing that! It takes time, but sooner or later, out come that hammer and those nails! Oh well! At least I can breathe! That's right, I now look back and wonder how I ever dragged that ball and chain around! Free at last!); but he did NOT mention "Hel" as one of them (and - come on, people; Evangelicals believe that one too!). Definitely not. I cannot even vividly remember him mentioning it at all. He sure did not emphasize it - and, again, that is IF he mentioned it!
If he majored on anything, it was "the love of God." What I have to say about that is: "The love of God" and "Hel" - or the doctrine of eternal conscious torment, in my opinion, are mutually exclusive. Give yourself ANY kind of freedom to even CONSIDER the truth of that statement, and it will resonate with such force, you will never be the same. Again, this is definitely in my opinion.
Getting back to what I was saying, though: I had me one spontaneous "Saturn Day" because I could! And I enjoyed it! But I sure do agonize! It's no walk in the park, being alone; and I sure pray that ye, who are not alone, will appreciate that fact and - again - hold each other! Do it for "4,263,129.1 -150,382,010.1"! Because he is believing for his dreams to come to pass - but he is also having to say to himself - over... and over... and over... that he wants to... NOT "-7434", but "-777,491,631.1"! Even when he feels he can hardly say it anymore.
Then, as I am on my way to get "fries supreme" at Taco Time (at Market Mall), I discover the Cheesecake Company. And a sign says they are having a brunch buffet. Therefore, I go in and get it! Then, I keep walking, and eventually get tired enough that I just HAVE to lie down on some grass and have a nap!
Then, I keep going, eventually stop by the library, head to Centre Street Church, hear Brian Stiller (former president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada) speak on Evangelicalism. It was good - especially seeing I have been born again (...AGAIN!), though I also definitely have a lot in common with Evangelicals...
Do ye know what? He did make "Christ being the only means of salvation" one of the essential points of Evangelicalism (and, of course, I stop short of agreeing with him on even that - and, yes, I admit, that is shocking even to me right now! I mean, who would have ever thought I would disagree with that! I mean, who wants to get crucified; and in fundamentalism and evangelicalism, you DO get crucified for not believing that! It takes time, but sooner or later, out come that hammer and those nails! Oh well! At least I can breathe! That's right, I now look back and wonder how I ever dragged that ball and chain around! Free at last!); but he did NOT mention "Hel" as one of them (and - come on, people; Evangelicals believe that one too!). Definitely not. I cannot even vividly remember him mentioning it at all. He sure did not emphasize it - and, again, that is IF he mentioned it!
If he majored on anything, it was "the love of God." What I have to say about that is: "The love of God" and "Hel" - or the doctrine of eternal conscious torment, in my opinion, are mutually exclusive. Give yourself ANY kind of freedom to even CONSIDER the truth of that statement, and it will resonate with such force, you will never be the same. Again, this is definitely in my opinion.
Getting back to what I was saying, though: I had me one spontaneous "Saturn Day" because I could! And I enjoyed it! But I sure do agonize! It's no walk in the park, being alone; and I sure pray that ye, who are not alone, will appreciate that fact and - again - hold each other! Do it for "4,263,129.1 -150,382,010.1"! Because he is believing for his dreams to come to pass - but he is also having to say to himself - over... and over... and over... that he wants to... NOT "-7434", but "-777,491,631.1"! Even when he feels he can hardly say it anymore.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Love this video! - revised
This Nervous Man Nearly Breaks Down Before BLOWING The Crowd Away. WOW!
I can definitely relate to him. And do ye know what I love? The fact that one of the lady judges sees what is happening and "catches" him. He is falling, but she is not just going to let him fall. She doesn't just throw him out. She works with him. Helps him get a grip and not just fall apart.
I feel that I need someone like that. Someone who can say, "Hey! I get this! This guy has all sorts of potential, but he is going to need help - and I think I am meant to be that help!" For this, I pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.
P.S. I don't like tattoos, but I sure have to give credit to that lady - and, hey! She has a tattoo on her arm! As they say in Australia? "-167,071.1 -146,128,564.1!"
P.S.S. I also had to love the subject matter of the song he sung.
I can definitely relate to him. And do ye know what I love? The fact that one of the lady judges sees what is happening and "catches" him. He is falling, but she is not just going to let him fall. She doesn't just throw him out. She works with him. Helps him get a grip and not just fall apart.
I feel that I need someone like that. Someone who can say, "Hey! I get this! This guy has all sorts of potential, but he is going to need help - and I think I am meant to be that help!" For this, I pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.
P.S. I don't like tattoos, but I sure have to give credit to that lady - and, hey! She has a tattoo on her arm! As they say in Australia? "-167,071.1 -146,128,564.1!"
P.S.S. I also had to love the subject matter of the song he sung.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
The Rich Man and Lazarus - revised YET again!
Want to know how I came to be the born again believer that I am today? The above article was about as critical a turning point as any. I will never again participate in "pushing Jesus" on anyone - and I ask that it never be done to me again; with all due respect. Not that I have never done it myself. I vividly remember unknowingly doing this to a friend in South Korea. I even had him saying, "I believe... I believe..." Well! Was I ever pleased! I started planning his baptism for him! Announcing his conversion to others at the "Church" (or Assembly). Then a Korean-speaking member of that congregation let me in on a little secret. Hyeon-Sooh did not really believe, after all - he had only said that in order to please me.
Then it started! The onslaught of, "Oh!... Daniel!... Please do not be disappointed!..." What was so unbearable was: I did not TELL him that I was not disappointed!... In fact, I KEPT TELLING HIM that I was NOT!... And yet he "KEPT SAYING IT!"... "Oh!... Daniel!... Please do not be disappointed!..." Finally, I asked him, "Why?... Do you keep?... Saying that...?"
Then he updated me on the colour of my face: "WHITE!" I am so glad that day is over. As well as the day he explained to me, over brother Bae's cell phone, that my religious zeal was (regrettably) a cause of regret for him. He explained that, in Korea, they have freedom of religion. I was simply trying to be a blessing, and yet here he felt I was pushing Jesus on him. I meant well - I just had to realize I was not doing well.
Saul of Tarsus had this experience on the road to Damascus in Acts chapter 9. Fast forward to today? I think that, ironically, a lot of people who think they are "pleasing Jesus" are actually persecuting him. I sure felt persecuted! Still do! And all I am doing is seeking to FOLLOW Jesus' example in refusing to play along with man-made traditions that are anything but helpful.
I love the movie: "Courageous"; but there is one scene I have learned to go use the washroom during. It only took one viewing of the movie to learn this. After that, I either use the washroom or plug my ears. Again, I know the movie producers meant well in including that in their movie, but I cannot describe how angry that scene makes me. "For the zeal of thine house, hath eaten me up - and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me." Psalm 69
One other book I did not mention in this post, before, is "Hinds Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. I read that book back in 2009, and was so glad I finally had. In fact, I did Internet research on her, and learned that she had become a "2,268,084,002,236.1/-3,476". It was then that I realized these people existed! They were actually out there! And they actually believed that! And they thought they were right.
At that point, however, I had the mindset: "OK... ye actually exist... but nobody - and I mean nobody - buys that... and I don't want that kind of "2,268,084,002,236" rejection! So I backfiled it. I moved on. It was only years later that I read the "Rich Man and Lazarus" article, shared above. And, as I was reading it, it dawned on me that: "Great!... He's a '2,268,084,002,236.1/-3,476', too! Another one of those... OK, but, do I really want this kind of reproach?..."
Here's what I love, though: even though I have had fun identifying myself as a "2,268,084,002,236.1/-3,476", I have realized something: I love "2,268,084,002,236.1/-93,846", but I am so much more comfortable with being, as I said earlier: a "-90,889,628,616,503.1 -129,042,548,680.1"! In fact, at work, my boss, Cuong, said he thought I was a devout CATHOLIC! Then he corrected himself and said, "Christian", but even at that point, I insisted on further clarification: "-90,889,628,616,503.1 -129,042,548,680.1".
I have also, however, these days, been recalling something I once said to a friend I was visiting in Toronto. It was obvious he did not respect me, to say the least. And he was making this known. And I was not saying anything. And he WANTED me to say something... So I said...
Want to know how I came to be the born again believer that I am today? The above article was about as critical a turning point as any. I will never again participate in "pushing Jesus" on anyone - and I ask that it never be done to me again; with all due respect. Not that I have never done it myself. I vividly remember unknowingly doing this to a friend in South Korea. I even had him saying, "I believe... I believe..." Well! Was I ever pleased! I started planning his baptism for him! Announcing his conversion to others at the "Church" (or Assembly). Then a Korean-speaking member of that congregation let me in on a little secret. Hyeon-Sooh did not really believe, after all - he had only said that in order to please me.
Then it started! The onslaught of, "Oh!... Daniel!... Please do not be disappointed!..." What was so unbearable was: I did not TELL him that I was not disappointed!... In fact, I KEPT TELLING HIM that I was NOT!... And yet he "KEPT SAYING IT!"... "Oh!... Daniel!... Please do not be disappointed!..." Finally, I asked him, "Why?... Do you keep?... Saying that...?"
Then he updated me on the colour of my face: "WHITE!" I am so glad that day is over. As well as the day he explained to me, over brother Bae's cell phone, that my religious zeal was (regrettably) a cause of regret for him. He explained that, in Korea, they have freedom of religion. I was simply trying to be a blessing, and yet here he felt I was pushing Jesus on him. I meant well - I just had to realize I was not doing well.
Saul of Tarsus had this experience on the road to Damascus in Acts chapter 9. Fast forward to today? I think that, ironically, a lot of people who think they are "pleasing Jesus" are actually persecuting him. I sure felt persecuted! Still do! And all I am doing is seeking to FOLLOW Jesus' example in refusing to play along with man-made traditions that are anything but helpful.
I love the movie: "Courageous"; but there is one scene I have learned to go use the washroom during. It only took one viewing of the movie to learn this. After that, I either use the washroom or plug my ears. Again, I know the movie producers meant well in including that in their movie, but I cannot describe how angry that scene makes me. "For the zeal of thine house, hath eaten me up - and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me." Psalm 69
One other book I did not mention in this post, before, is "Hinds Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. I read that book back in 2009, and was so glad I finally had. In fact, I did Internet research on her, and learned that she had become a "2,268,084,002,236.1/-3,476". It was then that I realized these people existed! They were actually out there! And they actually believed that! And they thought they were right.
At that point, however, I had the mindset: "OK... ye actually exist... but nobody - and I mean nobody - buys that... and I don't want that kind of "2,268,084,002,236" rejection! So I backfiled it. I moved on. It was only years later that I read the "Rich Man and Lazarus" article, shared above. And, as I was reading it, it dawned on me that: "Great!... He's a '2,268,084,002,236.1/-3,476', too! Another one of those... OK, but, do I really want this kind of reproach?..."
Here's what I love, though: even though I have had fun identifying myself as a "2,268,084,002,236.1/-3,476", I have realized something: I love "2,268,084,002,236.1/-93,846", but I am so much more comfortable with being, as I said earlier: a "-90,889,628,616,503.1 -129,042,548,680.1"! In fact, at work, my boss, Cuong, said he thought I was a devout CATHOLIC! Then he corrected himself and said, "Christian", but even at that point, I insisted on further clarification: "-90,889,628,616,503.1 -129,042,548,680.1".
I have also, however, these days, been recalling something I once said to a friend I was visiting in Toronto. It was obvious he did not respect me, to say the least. And he was making this known. And I was not saying anything. And he WANTED me to say something... So I said...
-773,771,544.1 |
Thursday, July 16, 2015
"Sorry" - Revised again...
Sometimes, I simply have to admit that life squeezes attitudes out of me, which I wish I had not had; and this is one of them. "You" deserve an impeccable attitude out of me, and "you're" going to get one, as much as I can help it. Forgive me, though, for the times I have seemingly not been able to help it.
One more than one occasion, I have been called a "138,611,063.1", if not just plain "5,133,743". I can understand why, because have definitely acted that way at times. If someone were to ask me: "OK, so, all of a sudden, you don't want to be thought of as '5,133,743'? Whatever brought that on?"
I have been reminded of a short story I read when I was in high school. It is entitled: "On the Sidewalk Bleeding". I can relate to Andy. In fact, I actually feel a lot like him. Bleeding. Even dying. And - like him - realizing that I don't want to be what I have been.
God willing, I will call on "-18,170.1" Day, also known as "Mon..."
"For I am poor and sorrowful, and my heart is wounded within me..." Psalm 109
One more than one occasion, I have been called a "138,611,063.1", if not just plain "5,133,743". I can understand why, because have definitely acted that way at times. If someone were to ask me: "OK, so, all of a sudden, you don't want to be thought of as '5,133,743'? Whatever brought that on?"
I have been reminded of a short story I read when I was in high school. It is entitled: "On the Sidewalk Bleeding". I can relate to Andy. In fact, I actually feel a lot like him. Bleeding. Even dying. And - like him - realizing that I don't want to be what I have been.
God willing, I will call on "-18,170.1" Day, also known as "Mon..."
"For I am poor and sorrowful, and my heart is wounded within me..." Psalm 109
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
Heavenly Father...
...thou knowest why I would like to go, but I trust thee to overrule. In Jesus' name, amen.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Should I go... - revised again! Manitoba in about a month and three quarters? I sure pray I will be able to get the green light on such a trip! ;) ... but I also pray I will be a good sport about it if not! ♥
Saturday, July 11, 2015
"Thou hast given me the heritage..."
"...of those that fear thy name." Psalm 61:5 That is one thing I really pray I will be able to pass on to my children; and I thank my parents for it!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
I can relate to this guy:... - REVISED!
"I am as a wonder unto many - but thou art my strong refuge." Psalm LXXI.7
"I am as a wonder unto many - but thou art my strong refuge." Psalm LXXI.7
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Remember what I said...
...about "-6,558,064 -571,204,558" by a certain time? I wanted to think there was a way of making that work; but I must say, I refuse be a raging fool! And I know that "a wise man feareth, and departeth from evil - but the fool rageth, and is confident." Also, "As the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood; so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife." See, I lament to say that I think I "forced wrath". I definitely did not mean to - I just did it anyway - and I'm sorry.
I remember talking to a friend on the phone, and one thing he said was that he thought it might be more feasible to think of, say, "-6,558,064 -3,476,416,816"... At the time, it was not really what I wanted to hear, but - honestly; at this point, I would be very thankful to see myself in a position where are least the groundwork was laid. If I had the "-3,628,475 -1,166,555" on "-183,409,819"; I am agreeing right now to find it in myself to be happy with that. Of course, I am saying this as a man. As such, I trust it is understood that doing so is agonizing, and involves more dying to myself.
I can see the writing on the wall, however, and it definitely says to "Fear, and depart from evil!" And therefore, I do that!
I remember talking to a friend on the phone, and one thing he said was that he thought it might be more feasible to think of, say, "-6,558,064 -3,476,416,816"... At the time, it was not really what I wanted to hear, but - honestly; at this point, I would be very thankful to see myself in a position where are least the groundwork was laid. If I had the "-3,628,475 -1,166,555" on "-183,409,819"; I am agreeing right now to find it in myself to be happy with that. Of course, I am saying this as a man. As such, I trust it is understood that doing so is agonizing, and involves more dying to myself.
I can see the writing on the wall, however, and it definitely says to "Fear, and depart from evil!" And therefore, I do that!
On Second Thought...
I did do those four Psalms and one song. It was on my way up to a certain lookout point; which I went up to at my family reunion. And it was for an audience of one: God.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
By the way...
... I also love singing "Jehoshaphat", and I do not have my cell phone any more. Therefore, I am suspecting I left if back in Manitoba. In fact, I am sure I did. I have not phoned my parents yet, but I will. I love you...
I didn't get the chance... share those Psalms and that song, but I sure did get to walk on my jolly hands! I mourn, however, that I think I provoked my good friend to "hit me" (figuratively speaking), and I am still really feeling it! :(
Thursday, June 25, 2015
By the way...
...I've got an act all ready to go. Four Psalms (recited from memory), and a song. When I get the chance, I'll perform it! :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
...I am getting my hopes up for a "water-water" situation. I am thinking of the verse: "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." Proverbs
P.S. See, we seem to have decided being fat is a bad thing. Well! Read ye (and we, by all means) your (and our) Bibles!
P.S. See, we seem to have decided being fat is a bad thing. Well! Read ye (and we, by all means) your (and our) Bibles!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
"A good thing" ... - revised again!
... Looking back on my life, I can think of certain decisions I had to make, and it sure is a good thing I decided the way I did! Among other things, I still get to be single me - which is such a blessing! (Notwithstanding the fact that I know I keep talking about changing that. Even (at least I have done) to a fault, I know. Then again, is it really anything to apologize for, that I would "like my turn" after all the waiting I have done. I'm going to say, "No", but I AM committed to keeping that within reason!) With that in mind, whatever is going to be a good thing for others, I pray will happen.
Monday, June 22, 2015
That's right!... - revised
"-356,083,662.1"! I remember once being asked what I thought of the book of Galatians in the Bible. I read it again to refresh my memory, and replied that - as per Galatians 2, I do not "-3,942,646,345/-48,663". Of course, though, that doesn't mean my love is limited to them! Not by any means! After all, there are always, for example: "1,910,756,298,336.1"! See you soon, God willing, of course!
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Watching "We are Marshall"... Again!...
...At the library. It's due back on the 22nd, and I have already renewed it four times (which is the maximum); so I may return it today. The story touches me so deeply, because I know what it is to be severely "cut back" as that town was. And to have to struggle... and struggle... and struggle... to rebuild. Even when I think about my two older brothers and I, none of us are married yet. We're still alive, though, and I am still believing for it to happen. It will, however take a miracle, for which I pray, in Jesus' name! Amen!
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
"Righteousness... - revised
...shall go before him, and shall set us in the way of his steps." Psalm LXXXV.13 I love that verse (and that Psalm)! And I dream of its fulfillment! Unabashedly! I know that some people, therefore, think of me as "the 'w'-word" - and I do NOT relish the thought of CERTAIN people thinking of me that way; but I sure am not backing down on the conviction that God will redeem us all. Not that everything I am currently reading in my Bible even says that. II Esdras definitely does not teach the salvation of all people. I reserve the right, however, to believe he is going to do it anyway. And - for the record? I Timothy IIII.10 sure says that! Oh, yeah! "Context!" Make that I Timothy IIII.10... and 11! My prayer is that God will reveal that it IS his will to save us all; in Jesus' name, amen.
P.S. I plan to post a poem on one of my other blogs that has been a LONG time coming... on this topic...
P.S. I plan to post a poem on one of my other blogs that has been a LONG time coming... on this topic...
Friday, June 12, 2015
Then again, God willing,...
...I will go home, spend time on my room, etc., and then make that phone call late tomorrow morning...
Thursday, June 11, 2015
...Sssssssneakin! - revised again
My turn! Here's a song I discovered while living in South Korea, and just looked up. It's called, again, "Sneakin'"! (I love the part where he says, "...that guy died way back in 1974...", because - well... - it's a significant date to me ;).) So, I know not what a day may bring forth, but I plan, God willing, to try making a phone call tomorrow night. I admit, I do not completely relish this phone call, but it is definitely (as I said) nothing to worry about. I simply feel I need to apologize for a few things.
P.S. Here is another one!
P.S. Here is another one!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Is it just me...
...or was that a huge tease! One would think it was just me, but where was the "-113,567,064.1 121,853,576,843.1 -5,967,658.1"? I looked it up because I wanted to finish watching it and "get to the punch-line"; but, again - it seems like it is just me, but - I didn't see a "-113,567,064.1 121,853,576,843.1 -5,967,658.1"! At least not in that documentary! I saw it on my way to Winnipeg last time I flew in there, and it certainly piqued my curiousity - especially seeing I AM ""-113,567,064.1"; and not a normal "-113,567,064.1" either! Oh well! At least I got to see the ending! I'm just tempted to say, as I once saw in a Wendy's advertisement: "Where's the Beef!" Now, what I NEED to do is go watch a music video a good friend shared with me on Facebook!... (If I can get on there - the Internet connection at the library seems to be finicky).
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
...hath builded her house. She hath hewn out her seven pillars... Proverbs IX.1
Heavenly Father, let me find wisdom - and hold her close, and never let her go. "Every wise woman buildeth her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." Proverbs XIIII.1 And let me be the kind of man she would want to marry! In Jesus' name, amen! Also, preserve me from folly.
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, or Jehovah (or my rock), my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm XIX.14
Heavenly Father, let me find wisdom - and hold her close, and never let her go. "Every wise woman buildeth her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." Proverbs XIIII.1 And let me be the kind of man she would want to marry! In Jesus' name, amen! Also, preserve me from folly.
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, or Jehovah (or my rock), my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm XIX.14
Thursday, June 4, 2015
...They're like "X-Rays". They see right through you. If you are not yet broken? Shattered? "Discombobulated"? They take one look and say, "Yeah! Right!"
So when, as in my experience, they seem to absolutely LOVE me! Cannot seem to be able to get enough of me? Ask ME if I brought "my books"? I know I've been doing something right.
And if there is one thing that has NOT been coming through on the "X-ray", it is: "8810 -3,622,763,858,896". As a matter of fact, it would go more like this: "4,681,985,859 306,067,320,053"... OR!... "15,509,122"! And I love that feedback! It tells me that my best days are DEFINITELY ahead of me! I even like the thought of "", but I'll let YOU make the final decision on that one! (I know! I know! That begs the question: "...WHAT one?") Oh - something I would LOVE to talk to you about, but haven't yet, and for a reason! I have to make sure that I even should! Believe me! If I find opportunity, I will, but with one important caveat (and one last chance for you to "-226,046 -191,317,526", before I even talk about it!) After all, "With the well advised is wisdom", and NOONE has encouraged me to talk to you about that! Therefore, I WILL be prepared to show up, have fun, and not even bring up the matter! And be a good sport (something I mourn that I wish I had done better at last time; but, which I also know, I have to do! And resolve, I will!)
So when, as in my experience, they seem to absolutely LOVE me! Cannot seem to be able to get enough of me? Ask ME if I brought "my books"? I know I've been doing something right.
And if there is one thing that has NOT been coming through on the "X-ray", it is: "8810 -3,622,763,858,896". As a matter of fact, it would go more like this: "4,681,985,859 306,067,320,053"... OR!... "15,509,122"! And I love that feedback! It tells me that my best days are DEFINITELY ahead of me! I even like the thought of "", but I'll let YOU make the final decision on that one! (I know! I know! That begs the question: "...WHAT one?") Oh - something I would LOVE to talk to you about, but haven't yet, and for a reason! I have to make sure that I even should! Believe me! If I find opportunity, I will, but with one important caveat (and one last chance for you to "-226,046 -191,317,526", before I even talk about it!) After all, "With the well advised is wisdom", and NOONE has encouraged me to talk to you about that! Therefore, I WILL be prepared to show up, have fun, and not even bring up the matter! And be a good sport (something I mourn that I wish I had done better at last time; but, which I also know, I have to do! And resolve, I will!)
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Off to church tonight, God willing... - Updated
...and I may have to walk through some rain to get there. Again, I AM doing what I can...
I didn't have to walk through the rain, but I did have to run! And I made it on time, by the grace of God! I was sure glad I went, but the songs and preaching (sorry to have to say) I had to bear with. It was the visiting afterward that really made me glad I had shown up. It was God's way of letting me know that my labour (and it IS labour!) is NOT in vain!
I didn't have to walk through the rain, but I did have to run! And I made it on time, by the grace of God! I was sure glad I went, but the songs and preaching (sorry to have to say) I had to bear with. It was the visiting afterward that really made me glad I had shown up. It was God's way of letting me know that my labour (and it IS labour!) is NOT in vain!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Do You Know What?... (Revised_
... I do not want you to think I am "5,133,743". I admit, though: I am at your mercy on that one. I know - at times - that I have asked for it (i.e. asked for being thought of in that way). And when I get the opportunity, I know I still have an apology to make - but I am not going to push or rush it. By the way, I LOVE the thought of BEING thought of as: "3,118,087,924" - especially in a good sense. I know: attitude is key in making the difference between the latter and the former. Another key, however, I know, is mercy - and I have had that. LOTS of it. Thank you for that. I love you for that. I would not be where I am today without it. By the way, I had to let my dream die AGAIN two days ago! I may have to YET again - and I accept that. I feel like I would do ANYTHING rather than make you think, again, that I am "5,133,743". Even let this dream die for good. I would need help with that, though. It is stubborn - and I am actually glad that it is. That is, of course, as long as it is actually legitimate. How in the world could I believe that a dream like this is legitimate? Somehow. And - admittedly - with fear and trembling. And - yet again - knowing that I don't want to be thought of as "5,133,743". Delightfully "-2,879,815,977,074.1" with a capital: "-10.1"? "-78,883,448,783,388.1"!
Having said all that, I AM continuing to do what I can to get to know people who are at least somewhere near my age; and I will continue to. I sure do not know what I day may bring forth - but if there is one thing I am determined that you are not going to get out of me, it is: "1,229,346,939/134,191".
See, I was talking to one of "you" on the phone once - months ago, and it came out in the wash that, not only had I caused "you" to think I was "5,133,743", but I had actually passed that point a long time ago. I mourn that realization - because, as ironic as it may seem, I do not want to be thought of that way. That is what was on my heart today.
Now: one thing I am adamant about is that I will not worry - even if you think of me in the way I do not want. I do admit, however, I definitely don't want that; and I pray that it will not happen, in Jesus' name. Also: my nieces and nephews (some adoptive) sure don't seem to think of me in that way - and I am very thankful for that. What's that verse in Psalm 8:2, again? "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength, because of thine enemies; that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." When Jesus quoted that verse he rendered it: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, thou hast perfected praise." Can six nieces (three adoptive, again) and three nephews be wrong?
Having said all that, I AM continuing to do what I can to get to know people who are at least somewhere near my age; and I will continue to. I sure do not know what I day may bring forth - but if there is one thing I am determined that you are not going to get out of me, it is: "1,229,346,939/134,191".
See, I was talking to one of "you" on the phone once - months ago, and it came out in the wash that, not only had I caused "you" to think I was "5,133,743", but I had actually passed that point a long time ago. I mourn that realization - because, as ironic as it may seem, I do not want to be thought of that way. That is what was on my heart today.
Now: one thing I am adamant about is that I will not worry - even if you think of me in the way I do not want. I do admit, however, I definitely don't want that; and I pray that it will not happen, in Jesus' name. Also: my nieces and nephews (some adoptive) sure don't seem to think of me in that way - and I am very thankful for that. What's that verse in Psalm 8:2, again? "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength, because of thine enemies; that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." When Jesus quoted that verse he rendered it: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, thou hast perfected praise." Can six nieces (three adoptive, again) and three nephews be wrong?
Friday, May 29, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Doing what I can... Revised
Remember that woman that broke the alabaster box and anointed Jesus with the contents? She was criticized, but then defended. Jesus said, "She hath done what she could." That's the way I want to be - doing what I can. I have come to realize there are certain things I just plain cannot do. For example: be normal. But I can be me. I plan to make another call tonight, but I do pray I can rest you assured: it's nothing to worry about. Just something I was feeling convicted about... and then another thing... and then one more thing.
P.S. I almost made the phone call I referred to, but didn't feel ready to. Even now, I feel I need more time to think through what to say. Thanks for bearing with me in all of this. I know I find it agonizing; but I also think worth the agony. I did make a phone call tonight, and also put a card in the mail; but apparently it did make it there this week. I trust, then, that it will arrive early next week. Bless you, and - as I said in the phone call: "Hzppb Zmmieerszrb" (as of tomorrow, of course).
"a" = "z", "b" = "y", "c"="x" ... "x" = "c", "y" = "b", "z" = "a"
So, for example: "ridiculous" = "irwrxullfuh"
P.S. I almost made the phone call I referred to, but didn't feel ready to. Even now, I feel I need more time to think through what to say. Thanks for bearing with me in all of this. I know I find it agonizing; but I also think worth the agony. I did make a phone call tonight, and also put a card in the mail; but apparently it did make it there this week. I trust, then, that it will arrive early next week. Bless you, and - as I said in the phone call: "Hzppb Zmmieerszrb" (as of tomorrow, of course).
"a" = "z", "b" = "y", "c"="x" ... "x" = "c", "y" = "b", "z" = "a"
So, for example: "ridiculous" = "irwrxullfuh"
Sunday, May 24, 2015
That's one thing...
...about spending an hour getting the stuff OFF your shelf, and onto your "bed"! You spend even more time dealing with the pile on your bed; and that sure happened last night! I watched "We Are Marshall", with Don, my landlord, first, though; and does that movie ever make me SHAKE! Don thanked me for showing him the movie as well! It is such a source of inspiration!
I made a phone call last night, but got the answering machine; so I left a message. If God will, I will try calling again in the next ten minutes or so. Of course, the prospect of making the call is a frightening one, but what can you do when you've woken up and think you ought to make some apologies? All I know to do is apologize.
I made a phone call last night, but got the answering machine; so I left a message. If God will, I will try calling again in the next ten minutes or so. Of course, the prospect of making the call is a frightening one, but what can you do when you've woken up and think you ought to make some apologies? All I know to do is apologize.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
I have put in an hour...
...on my room - and will be putting in even more time; because now I have to get that HEAP of STUFF... OFF my spot on the floor where I sleep. I also, however, plan to make a phone call and make some apologies. Somehow, conviction really hit me this past week! "Make me to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice..." Psalm 51.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Prayer Request...
Nino "yelled in my ear" yesterday again (something I have had to report him for, before), and I went into his office and asked him not to do it again. It was stressful, but Robby - and "big boss" - was right there when I went into Nino's office! And Robby had tinnitus (ringing in the ears) just like I do - so he completely understands my situation! Nevertheless, when I got home last night: I had a BATH! And I would like to share a song I wrote on the topic: "Bathtime Religion" (to the tune of "Old Time Religion").
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
It's good enough for me!
1. "Bath-time Religion"? What's the deal? /
Thought I'd heard of everything! But - come! "Get real!" /
I, indeed, with that last part; /
Fully agree and take to heart! /
2. "Getting real" is "where it's at!" /
And it's time that "real" we "gat"! /
So lend me "a little rope..." /
...and "please pass the 'jolly' soap!" /
3. In the bathtub, we belong! /
For we have been going wrong! /
And astray to our own hurt! /
And accumulated "dirt"! /
4. Now we are like "little kids"! /
Who, when "Momma", bathe, to, bids... /
Run away and, this, avoid; /
so that "Mamma" gets annoyed! /
5. "Kids - grow up!" exhorted Paul! /
Something that, should do, we all... /
"And go on, perfection, to!" /
What he said, again, was true! /
6. Makes us squeaky clean - the water! /
"It's lukewarm?" Then "make it hotter!" /
Just lay back, and let it clean - /
and, some relaxation, glean! /
7. How's this for a great decision: /
take time from your television, /
And give it to "Mr. Tub"! /
Join the "bathing, bath time club!" /
8. Learn to love "the bath time scene" - /
It results in "coming clean"! /
Though, at this thought, some get queasy, /
As said Jesus, is it easy! /
9. Just let other hassles go! /
And resolve to, Jesus, know! /
Never mind that "ye" may get... /
"More than just a little... wet!" /
10. Oh - the freedom of a bath! /
Of the "strait and narrow path!" /
"Lose it all!" and "Jump right in!" /
"Squeaky clean", will, come, your sin! /...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
It's good enough for me!
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
It's good enough for me!
1. "Bath-time Religion"? What's the deal? /
Thought I'd heard of everything! But - come! "Get real!" /
I, indeed, with that last part; /
Fully agree and take to heart! /
2. "Getting real" is "where it's at!" /
And it's time that "real" we "gat"! /
So lend me "a little rope..." /
...and "please pass the 'jolly' soap!" /
3. In the bathtub, we belong! /
For we have been going wrong! /
And astray to our own hurt! /
And accumulated "dirt"! /
4. Now we are like "little kids"! /
Who, when "Momma", bathe, to, bids... /
Run away and, this, avoid; /
so that "Mamma" gets annoyed! /
5. "Kids - grow up!" exhorted Paul! /
Something that, should do, we all... /
"And go on, perfection, to!" /
What he said, again, was true! /
6. Makes us squeaky clean - the water! /
"It's lukewarm?" Then "make it hotter!" /
Just lay back, and let it clean - /
and, some relaxation, glean! /
7. How's this for a great decision: /
take time from your television, /
And give it to "Mr. Tub"! /
Join the "bathing, bath time club!" /
8. Learn to love "the bath time scene" - /
It results in "coming clean"! /
Though, at this thought, some get queasy, /
As said Jesus, is it easy! /
9. Just let other hassles go! /
And resolve to, Jesus, know! /
Never mind that "ye" may get... /
"More than just a little... wet!" /
10. Oh - the freedom of a bath! /
Of the "strait and narrow path!" /
"Lose it all!" and "Jump right in!" /
"Squeaky clean", will, come, your sin! /...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
It's good enough for me!
Friday, May 15, 2015
The fear of the LORD, or Jehovah,... revised the instruction of wisdom - and before honour is humility. Proverbs XV.33
I just read the above verse, and wanted to share it here. After all, there is a lot I do not know. What I do know, however, is that the dreams I believe God has placed in my heart actually make for a LOT of humility! More than I ever could have imagined I would need! As long as they are, indeed, of God, though, I have no problem moving forward (as long, of course, as I can).
And I can definitely say: I have been willing to let these dreams die - over, and over again. What I am thankful for, though, is that he seems to keep giving them back to me. Either way, though, these dreams are so outrageously ambitious: I want to put out there that I pray God will preserve me from arrogance, presumption, and even being anything other than a blessing to my friends; in Jesus' name, amen!
I just read the above verse, and wanted to share it here. After all, there is a lot I do not know. What I do know, however, is that the dreams I believe God has placed in my heart actually make for a LOT of humility! More than I ever could have imagined I would need! As long as they are, indeed, of God, though, I have no problem moving forward (as long, of course, as I can).
And I can definitely say: I have been willing to let these dreams die - over, and over again. What I am thankful for, though, is that he seems to keep giving them back to me. Either way, though, these dreams are so outrageously ambitious: I want to put out there that I pray God will preserve me from arrogance, presumption, and even being anything other than a blessing to my friends; in Jesus' name, amen!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
My grandfather...
...I remember telling an older woman from England the story of how my grandfather had married his wife. He married her when she was... well... young. When I said the age that he had married her at, though, the woman piped up and said, "That's too young to get married..."
I remember, at that point, that I simply looked at her. When I told my sister the story of how I had looked at the woman, who, again, said, "That's too young to get married"; she wanted to know what kind of look I had given the woman.
Upon reflection, it was an "a wooden leg named smith" - complete with the wheezy laughter that ensues after the older man finally gets the joke look.
I remember, at that point, that I simply looked at her. When I told my sister the story of how I had looked at the woman, who, again, said, "That's too young to get married"; she wanted to know what kind of look I had given the woman.
Upon reflection, it was an "a wooden leg named smith" - complete with the wheezy laughter that ensues after the older man finally gets the joke look.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Looks like...
...I've got some open doors, for which I am thankful. In all honesty, I do not even know where I would be without them. Thank you friends, for providing such open doors. May you live to see the day when you realize you hit the jackpot in so doing. In Jesus' name, amen.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Safe and sound - revised
This is a song that I have come to appreciate - as a "Song of the King" on my continued journey having a family one day.
This is a song that I have come to appreciate - as a "Song of the King" on my continued journey having a family one day.
"Hold Their Hearts, Too!" - revised again
I know I shared a song a little while back, called "Hold My Heart" by Tenth Avenue North - and I still pray that he will do that! I mean, I definitely had no idea I was in for a "heart-wringer" like THIS when I was born over fourty years ago. All I can say is: when I finally get married, that wife of mine is going to get one appreciative "house-band" (a.k.a. "husband").
And - again! Any man out there WITH a wife really does need to appreciate her! I mean, he does not have to subject himself to the day-to-day uncertainty that I do. And - as I have said, and will say again! "I am not normal"! There is no way I feel I can find a wife the way a lot of people would expect me to. I can show up and be myself, but some people REALLY find that odd!
I've even had a brother tell me to "Stop that." My question, that I am going to put out there, here and now, is: should I? Should I "stop that?" Stop what I have been doing? I am trusting that I actually should not - and I even think I have received some welcome "tokens for good", which encourage me to not give up. And I don't mind not giving up - as long as I, indeed, should not.
See, I was thinking of my friends today, and praying God would hold THEIR hearts! If I were in their shoes, my heart would need holding. I mean: they have each other, and I am definitely happy for them in that regard.
They also, however, have a HUGE responsibility, AND a really unusual situation on their hands. And I think they may even be at a loss for what to do. Therefore, again: "Abba, please hold their hearts. Steady their hearts. And reassure their hearts with a peace that passeth all understanding..."
"...That all of this agony is going to be so richly rewarded, that they will NEVER look back on their decision to keep giving me the benefit of the doubt. In Jesus' name, amen!"
P.S. Oh yeah! Also please give them the desire of THEIR hearts - and I even personally pray for thee to "double that up!" And THAT'S just for STARTERS! :) ♥
Also, I DO pray that all of this would motivate them to "hold on to each other" more tightly than they even have before! ♥
And - again! Any man out there WITH a wife really does need to appreciate her! I mean, he does not have to subject himself to the day-to-day uncertainty that I do. And - as I have said, and will say again! "I am not normal"! There is no way I feel I can find a wife the way a lot of people would expect me to. I can show up and be myself, but some people REALLY find that odd!
I've even had a brother tell me to "Stop that." My question, that I am going to put out there, here and now, is: should I? Should I "stop that?" Stop what I have been doing? I am trusting that I actually should not - and I even think I have received some welcome "tokens for good", which encourage me to not give up. And I don't mind not giving up - as long as I, indeed, should not.
See, I was thinking of my friends today, and praying God would hold THEIR hearts! If I were in their shoes, my heart would need holding. I mean: they have each other, and I am definitely happy for them in that regard.
They also, however, have a HUGE responsibility, AND a really unusual situation on their hands. And I think they may even be at a loss for what to do. Therefore, again: "Abba, please hold their hearts. Steady their hearts. And reassure their hearts with a peace that passeth all understanding..."
"...That all of this agony is going to be so richly rewarded, that they will NEVER look back on their decision to keep giving me the benefit of the doubt. In Jesus' name, amen!"
P.S. Oh yeah! Also please give them the desire of THEIR hearts - and I even personally pray for thee to "double that up!" And THAT'S just for STARTERS! :) ♥
Also, I DO pray that all of this would motivate them to "hold on to each other" more tightly than they even have before! ♥
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