Friday, May 29, 2015

God, please preserve me from...

...being delusional, in Jesus' name, amen.


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Doing what I can... Revised

Remember that woman that broke the alabaster box and anointed Jesus with the contents? She was criticized, but then defended. Jesus said, "She hath done what she could." That's the way I want to be - doing what I can. I have come to realize there are certain things I just plain cannot do. For example: be normal. But I can be me. I plan to make another call tonight, but I do pray I can rest you assured: it's nothing to worry about. Just something I was feeling convicted about... and then another thing... and then one more thing.

P.S. I almost made the phone call I referred to, but didn't feel ready to. Even now, I feel I need more time to think through what to say. Thanks for bearing with me in all of this. I know I find it agonizing; but I also think worth the agony. I did make a phone call tonight, and also put a card in the mail; but apparently it did make it there this week. I trust, then, that it will arrive early next week. Bless you, and - as I said in the phone call: "Hzppb Zmmieerszrb" (as of tomorrow, of course).

"a" = "z", "b" = "y", "c"="x" ... "x" = "c", "y" = "b", "z" = "a"

So, for example: "ridiculous" = "irwrxullfuh"



Sunday, May 24, 2015

That's one thing...

...about spending an hour getting the stuff OFF your shelf, and onto your "bed"! You spend even more time dealing with the pile on your bed; and that sure happened last night! I watched "We Are Marshall", with Don, my landlord, first, though; and does that movie ever make me SHAKE! Don thanked me for showing him the movie as well! It is such a source of inspiration!

I made a phone call last night, but got the answering machine; so I left a message. If God will, I will try calling again in the next ten minutes or so. Of course, the prospect of making the call is a frightening one, but what can you do when you've woken up and think you ought to make some apologies? All I know to do is apologize.



Saturday, May 23, 2015

I have put in an hour...

...on my room - and will be putting in even more time; because now I have to get that HEAP of STUFF... OFF my spot on the floor where I sleep. I also, however, plan to make a phone call and make some apologies. Somehow, conviction really hit me this past week! "Make me to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice..." Psalm 51.



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Prayer Request...

Nino "yelled in my ear" yesterday again (something I have had to report him for, before), and I went into his office and asked him not to do it again. It was stressful, but Robby - and "big boss" - was right there when I went into Nino's office! And Robby had tinnitus (ringing in the ears) just like I do - so he completely understands my situation! Nevertheless, when I got home last night: I had a BATH! And I would like to share a song I wrote on the topic: "Bathtime Religion" (to the tune of "Old Time Religion").

Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
It's good enough for me!

1. "Bath-time Religion"? What's the deal? /
Thought I'd heard of everything! But - come! "Get real!" /
I, indeed, with that last part; /
Fully agree and take to heart! /

2. "Getting real" is "where it's at!" /
And it's time that "real" we "gat"! /
So lend me "a little rope..." /
...and "please pass the 'jolly' soap!" /

3. In the bathtub, we belong! /
For we have been going wrong! /
And astray to our own hurt! /
And accumulated "dirt"! /

4. Now we are like "little kids"! /
Who, when "Momma", bathe, to, bids... /
Run away and, this, avoid; /
so that "Mamma" gets annoyed! /

5. "Kids - grow up!" exhorted Paul! /
Something that, should do, we all... /
"And go on, perfection, to!" /
What he said, again, was true! /

6. Makes us squeaky clean - the water! /
"It's lukewarm?" Then "make it hotter!" /
Just lay back, and let it clean - /
and, some relaxation, glean! /

7. How's this for a great decision: /
take time from your television, /
And give it to "Mr. Tub"! /
Join the "bathing, bath time club!" /

8. Learn to love "the bath time scene" - /
It results in "coming clean"! /
Though, at this thought, some get queasy, /
As said Jesus, is it easy! /

9. Just let other hassles go! /
And resolve to, Jesus, know! /
Never mind that "ye" may get... /
"More than just a little... wet!" /

10. Oh - the freedom of a bath! /
Of the "strait and narrow path!" /
"Lose it all!" and "Jump right in!" /
"Squeaky clean", will, come, your sin! /...

Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
Give me that "Bath-time Religion"...
It's good enough for me!


Friday, May 15, 2015

The fear of the LORD, or Jehovah,... revised the instruction of wisdom - and before honour is humility. Proverbs XV.33

I just read the above verse, and wanted to share it here. After all, there is a lot I do not know. What I do know, however, is that the dreams I believe God has placed in my heart actually make for a LOT of humility! More than I ever could have imagined I would need! As long as they are, indeed, of God, though, I have no problem moving forward (as long, of course, as I can).

And I can definitely say: I have been willing to let these dreams die - over, and over again. What I am thankful for, though, is that he seems to keep giving them back to me. Either way, though, these dreams are so outrageously ambitious: I want to put out there that I pray God will preserve me from arrogance, presumption, and even being anything other than a blessing to my friends; in Jesus' name, amen!



Thursday, May 14, 2015

My grandfather...

...I remember telling an older woman from England the story of how my grandfather had married his wife. He married her when she was... well... young. When I said the age that he had married her at, though, the woman piped up and said, "That's too young to get married..."

I remember, at that point, that I simply looked at her. When I told my sister the story of how I had looked at the woman, who, again, said, "That's too young to get married"; she wanted to know what kind of look I had given the woman.

Upon reflection, it was an "a wooden leg named smith" - complete with the wheezy laughter that ensues after the older man finally gets the joke look.



Monday, May 11, 2015

Looks like...

...I've got some open doors, for which I am thankful. In all honesty, I do not even know where I would be without them. Thank you friends, for providing such open doors. May you live to see the day when you realize you hit the jackpot in so doing. In Jesus' name, amen.



Friday, May 8, 2015

Safe and sound - revised

This is a song that I have come to appreciate - as a "Song of the King" on my continued journey having a family one day.


"Hold Their Hearts, Too!" - revised again

I know I shared a song a little while back, called "Hold My Heart" by Tenth Avenue North - and I still pray that he will do that! I mean, I definitely had no idea I was in for a "heart-wringer" like THIS when I was born over fourty years ago. All I can say is: when I finally get married, that wife of mine is going to get one appreciative "house-band" (a.k.a. "husband").

And - again! Any man out there WITH a wife really does need to appreciate her! I mean, he does not have to subject himself to the day-to-day uncertainty that I do. And - as I have said, and will say again! "I am not normal"! There is no way I feel I can find a wife the way a lot of people would expect me to. I can show up and be myself, but some people REALLY find that odd!

I've even had a brother tell me to "Stop that." My question, that I am going to put out there, here and now, is: should I? Should I "stop that?" Stop what I have been doing? I am trusting that I actually should not - and I even think I have received some welcome "tokens for good", which encourage me to not give up. And I don't mind not giving up - as long as I, indeed, should not.

See, I was thinking of my friends today, and praying God would hold THEIR hearts! If I were in their shoes, my heart would need holding. I mean: they have each other, and I am definitely happy for them in that regard.

They also, however, have a HUGE responsibility, AND a really unusual situation on their hands. And I think they may even be at a loss for what to do. Therefore, again: "Abba, please hold their hearts. Steady their hearts. And reassure their hearts with a peace that passeth all understanding..."

"...That all of this agony is going to be so richly rewarded, that they will NEVER look back on their decision to keep giving me the benefit of the doubt. In Jesus' name, amen!"



P.S. Oh yeah! Also please give them the desire of THEIR hearts - and I even personally pray for thee to "double that up!" And THAT'S just for STARTERS! :) ♥

Also, I DO pray that all of this would motivate them to "hold on to each other" more tightly than they even have before! ♥

Thursday, May 7, 2015

"Withdraw thy foot..."

"...from thy neighbour's house, lest he be weary of thee..." That's a verse from Proverbs that I pray I will be as mindful of as I ought to be. Notwithstanding the above, I would really love to pay another to my friends' place.  And I pray that - if it is God's will - I will get to; in Jesus' name, amen.



Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wow! - Revised again!

Anything IS possible! And my brother IS a political juggernaut ("-2,377,214")! He called this election - BEFORE it happened - to a "T"! I am happy for Rachel Notley, because, according to my father, Rachel's father was a very respected leader. And as I read in the Calgary Sun, he really had to fight the odds to get the NDP party up and running in Alberta. I would like to think he can see his daughter right now, and if he can; I know he is very proud - and should be!

-Now, of course, I acknowledge that the NDP are known for policies I do NOT agree with in any way, shape, or form. For example: when, God willing, I run in Winnipeg Centre against Pat Martin and win? I will make "Pro-Life" look like baby pabulum! (Of course, I mean that I will be unabashedly "Pro-Life"! I mean, what else am I supposed to be! "Pro-death?") They, however, are ultimately accountable to the God who set them up, for their policies - and it IS possible to be NDP and prolife, because my "other brother" (than the one I referenced above) IS staunchly NDP AND Prolife!

That tells me that the struggle is not in vain. And, friends? It is EVER a struggle! Not that I take for granted my friends being there! Welcoming me! Listening! Accepting. Understanding. And I can only imagine what all of this must be like for THEM! I mean: one day, I will - God willing - be in THEIR SHOES! With "-2,957,284,092,171! "119,589.1"! (I am saying the latter by faith, and in good faith that God will hear my prayer for them; and take them straight into "-121,723,359" "24,280,848,991"!)

I pray I will always remember that - and them! And that God will remember them. Their dreams. Bring them to pass - in Jesus' name, amen!



Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Drink waters... - edited

...out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well... Let thy fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and the pleasant roe. let her... satisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravished always with her love (or, err thou always in her love). Proverbs V.

God: I thank thee for helping me with finding a wife, but I confess: I still need help! For one thing, I need wisdom! These dreams! "Secret petitions of the heart". Are they legit? I certainly would love to think they are, but I keep having to die to them! And it takes its toll on my heart. Not that I would want all of this to be boring or anything - and it DEFINITELY is not THAT!

"Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins - let them not have dominion over me. Then shall I be upright - and I shall be innocent from the great transgression (or, from much transgression). Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight - O LORD, or Jehovah, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm XIX.13-14

I don't want to do anything I cannot do: a) Above board, b) fair and square, and c) legitimately. I simply have a definition of what can be done in the above fashion, which makes "bold" look like "mashed bananas"! I love it? But I also pray that I will only ever be a blessing to my friends, whom I love!

Friends, I hope you realize you gave my dreams a lease on life. I mean, I knew I had to let go of them... again! Let them die... again! (By the way: just in case there was any doubt? Letting these dreams go? Die? Over... and over... again? I cannot put into words how agonizing that is! Nevertheless, I would choose that over letting them die, and stay dead ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!) I mean, I was seriously going to head out that night! I thought God had even providentially provided a place to go! The all night prayer meeting!

And I was right that God had provided - it is just that it was a lot closer at hand than I was thinking! The couch! And - oh! What a relief!

To get up the next morning, and CONTINUE sharing STUFF! And help out a bit. And read a few verses from that massive Bible. And to be sent off with reassurance of being loved. And getting a very welcome visit this summer. Yeah - that definitely gives my dreams a lease on life. That is, of course, trusting you don't have to call me off from them. You can still do that, if needs be. I wanted to make sure you still knew that.



Sunday, May 3, 2015

I did it!

Brought flowers to a family I had wanted to see "get flowers out of me" ever since their oldest son was brutally murdered back in 2011. As I was leaving, the father embraced me and expressed the hope and belief that the next time he sees me, I will be married. And guess what I have to say to THAT! That's right!...


