Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Just watched this video...
..."Born For This". Excuse me, however, while I pray for wisdom: "Abba, I sent three letters - and I was so happy about sending them when I did; but when all was said and done, I had to admit I had made a mistake. I want my friends blessed - not made to feel uncomfortable, and least, as much as I can help it. I want to do thy will, but how can I deny that - as I have said - I would love to see a "-161,281,971" of "-629,391"? I cannot. I can, however, and do understand that "1,229,346,939/134,191" is out.
Psalm 101: "I will behave myself wisely and in a perfect way - O! When wilt thou come unto me..."
Also, "Let the words of my heart, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, or Jehovah, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Let me leave my friends better than I found them - and let me do unto them as I would have done unto me, in Jesus' name, amen!
P.S. Here is "Overcomer", as well! :)
Psalm 101: "I will behave myself wisely and in a perfect way - O! When wilt thou come unto me..."
Also, "Let the words of my heart, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, or Jehovah, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Let me leave my friends better than I found them - and let me do unto them as I would have done unto me, in Jesus' name, amen!
P.S. Here is "Overcomer", as well! :)
Thursday, December 24, 2015
OK, so now the question, I am sure, is... - revised
"7,140.1? 7,140.1? 7,140.1, -150,382,010.1? 7,140.1?" "What part of '261.1 -142,425,398', do you not understand?" My answer? I understand all of it. I understand the 2, the 6, the 1, the -1, the 4, the 2, the 4, the 2, the 5, the 3, the 9, and the 8. Another question: "7,140.1 can you not simply -3,483,282,107,477?" Why can a fish not fly? Why can a bird not swim? Interestingly, there are "flying fish", and certain birds that DO swim! Generally speaking, though, birds fly and fish swim. And, "-36.1"? I just HAVE to "79,420,869" with a "18,571,766." In my opinion, God put that in me - and I love it, both because I might as well, and also want to. I think it glorifies God when I celebrate and honour the "61,236,567,353,895" of "-36.1". What I do need, however, and earnestly pray for, is a "-121,723,359" that recognizes this, and "-94,700,393,130" it. Again, even "-36".
I have missed a lot of boats in my lifetime. Some of those missed boats have been a real test; because I have had to decide NOT to worry about them. NOT to keep looking back, saying, "Should have..." Should have written to so-and-so before it was too late. Should have... There is no end to the things I know I should have done.
Here is my challenge, though: ye do not have to do what I did! Ye do not have to "-23,160 70,768,574,242"! I have said before that I am not "-2,916,075,667,833". This, however, is in the following sense:

I am also, again, as I have said: not "-108,282,158,120". In addition, I am not "-571,204,558" yet. Do ye not want a FRONT ROW SEAT to the world getting turned upside down? Do ye not want a man "17,817,713,917 -4,510,869"? Of whom the "5,357,357" is not "144,655,320"? A dear friend of mine said that I came to mind when he considered that verse, and I thank God that he did say that! And do ye not want "-5,033,237,598"? Finally, have ye asked "92,157,645,005,970"? Look, I think ye are going to have trouble delivering on the "-3,284,791/1,194,422,982" - but it is NOT too late to deliver on "4,932 -4,576,105,282"! By the way, I have been continuing to pray for "3,913,305" for you, but even I admit: the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD, or Jehovah. I mean, if ye do not have them, then at least I can say I did what I could.
I, however, am "784,415,427 -248,928" from you having your "3,228,759", and, them, their "-4,576,105,282". Think of how happy they would be! I would be! Even ye (also known as "you")!
I offer the following verse: "The fear of man, bringeth a snare, but whoso trusteth in the LORD, or Jehovah, shall be delivered." I have learned - by necessity - to NOT worry about what other people think of me. And - oh! Indeed! What other people WOULD think! I even foresee a "-616,368,467,978"! I, however, would gladly brave that "-616,368,467,978" for them and you! I love making people happy! I cannot think of any other people I make happier than them (and I am going to go out on a limb and venture that I think I have been able to make you happy as well)! This is why I continue to pray for the miracle, in Jesus' name, amen!
Nevertheless, as I said, I continue to breathe! Bless you, and I would love to love you more than I can say!
I have missed a lot of boats in my lifetime. Some of those missed boats have been a real test; because I have had to decide NOT to worry about them. NOT to keep looking back, saying, "Should have..." Should have written to so-and-so before it was too late. Should have... There is no end to the things I know I should have done.
Here is my challenge, though: ye do not have to do what I did! Ye do not have to "-23,160 70,768,574,242"! I have said before that I am not "-2,916,075,667,833". This, however, is in the following sense:
I am also, again, as I have said: not "-108,282,158,120". In addition, I am not "-571,204,558" yet. Do ye not want a FRONT ROW SEAT to the world getting turned upside down? Do ye not want a man "17,817,713,917 -4,510,869"? Of whom the "5,357,357" is not "144,655,320"? A dear friend of mine said that I came to mind when he considered that verse, and I thank God that he did say that! And do ye not want "-5,033,237,598"? Finally, have ye asked "92,157,645,005,970"? Look, I think ye are going to have trouble delivering on the "-3,284,791/1,194,422,982" - but it is NOT too late to deliver on "4,932 -4,576,105,282"! By the way, I have been continuing to pray for "3,913,305" for you, but even I admit: the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD, or Jehovah. I mean, if ye do not have them, then at least I can say I did what I could.
I, however, am "784,415,427 -248,928" from you having your "3,228,759", and, them, their "-4,576,105,282". Think of how happy they would be! I would be! Even ye (also known as "you")!
I offer the following verse: "The fear of man, bringeth a snare, but whoso trusteth in the LORD, or Jehovah, shall be delivered." I have learned - by necessity - to NOT worry about what other people think of me. And - oh! Indeed! What other people WOULD think! I even foresee a "-616,368,467,978"! I, however, would gladly brave that "-616,368,467,978" for them and you! I love making people happy! I cannot think of any other people I make happier than them (and I am going to go out on a limb and venture that I think I have been able to make you happy as well)! This is why I continue to pray for the miracle, in Jesus' name, amen!
Nevertheless, as I said, I continue to breathe! Bless you, and I would love to love you more than I can say!
I have been praying for, but not presuming upon...
...a "-161,281,971 660,026,411". Please do not get me wrong, though - I am NOT "-2,297,088,457 -157,075,014,165." Friends, consider yourselves - again - squarely in the "driver's seat." I know what that is like - and, believe me, I get the fact that a "-161,281,971 660,026,411" is a "-456,771,780" that CANNOT be presumed upon. Therefore, again, I do not presume upon it. I simply pray for it, in Jesus' name; amen.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
I survived!
On my way from South Korea to South Africa, at the end of 2005, on the airplane; one of the movies they were showing was "Surviving Christmas". At the time, I found - definitely - some parts pretty downright funny. My favourite part, however, was the song at the start: "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year..." The point it was making was that, for some people, there can be considerable satire in that sentiment. Fast forward ten years, and I decided I would borrow that movie from the library. I got to the library, and there it was! So I watched... at least most of it. I knew I was going to have to skip some parts - and, sure enough, I did!
My idea was to "survive 'Surviving Christmas'" - and I did it! Yiches! I cannot say I will ever have to do that again! I got some good laughs - but I can see why Plugged In Online hated it so much! The good news is: God willing, I will have a wonderful 24th and 25th day of the twelfth month, also known as Christmas; and this will be by the grace of God.
By the way, I do NOT recommend that movie! Why did I watch a movie I do not recommend? Because I did remember enjoying, definitely, parts of it, and even the ending. Nevertheless, watching it again after all these years? Never again! Never again! What is done is done - and, again, I did skip what I knew I was going to have to. I am not completely proud of it, but let me say this: God knows my heart in having borrowed and watched it again, and "In the integrity of my heart have I done this." Also, I am humbled to admit that the main character DID remind me of me.
My youngest sister and her husband were going to have me up to their place for both of those days; but then she had her third son last "Son-Day". I phoned my brother in law and found out that that meant he was doing good to welcome me up for the 25th and overnight that night! I cannot rent a car on the 25th, which means that - God willing - I will pick up the rental car tomorrow at Noon (i.e. the 24th).
That meant I was going to have a car, and nothing to necessarily do with it for a day; but now I have discovered that the Director I worked for at Carberry Bible Camp in the summer of 1995 currently lives in Cochrane (near where I am in Calgary)! I don't know if I can pay them a visit, but as I have said, "Here is 'HOPE IN'!"
Also, I do earnestly and fervently pray I will be able to show up at certain friends' place on the first of next year - of course, if God will. For whatever it is worth, I have asked a friend here in Calgary to hold me accountable to an agreement: no more visiting that place (trusting I am able to visit it, again, on the first of next year) more than once a year (of course, IF that). In other words, from now on, if those friends wanted to see me more than once a year, they would have to come and see me here. I would love it if they did - but the ball would be squarely in their court; and that would be exactly where it belongs.
Also, if there is one thing that has been settled in my mind, in no uncertain terms, it is that I am to "...-333 ... 1,910,762,114,877.1 ..." And not only that! Also, "... -333 ... 70,711,880,470.1 ..." to "...-333 ... 1,910,762,114,877.1 ..." After all, I am painfully and even mournfully aware that I could have lost that privilege! I was not trying to lose it, though - I really thought I was doing the right thing! How could I have been so sure of something so "... 60,460,385,573 ..."? I'm me. I'm not saying I like who I am - but I am saying I am me. I wish I could say I liked it, but I do not.
Let me put it this way: a while back, I beloved friend in Australia, over the phone, mentioned "... 24,306,635,642,851/-353 -83,232,561,748,300 ..." (By the way, this may seem ridiculous to say, but please bear with me... this is "-3,085,534,426,214". I know ye could really do me in if ye wanted to, but please don't! I love you!) God willing, I will phone my friend again and ask him, "Where do I start with that...?"
It would mean so much to me to see you again, and love and be loved by you - legitimately, of course, and definitely within reason.
My idea was to "survive 'Surviving Christmas'" - and I did it! Yiches! I cannot say I will ever have to do that again! I got some good laughs - but I can see why Plugged In Online hated it so much! The good news is: God willing, I will have a wonderful 24th and 25th day of the twelfth month, also known as Christmas; and this will be by the grace of God.
By the way, I do NOT recommend that movie! Why did I watch a movie I do not recommend? Because I did remember enjoying, definitely, parts of it, and even the ending. Nevertheless, watching it again after all these years? Never again! Never again! What is done is done - and, again, I did skip what I knew I was going to have to. I am not completely proud of it, but let me say this: God knows my heart in having borrowed and watched it again, and "In the integrity of my heart have I done this." Also, I am humbled to admit that the main character DID remind me of me.
My youngest sister and her husband were going to have me up to their place for both of those days; but then she had her third son last "Son-Day". I phoned my brother in law and found out that that meant he was doing good to welcome me up for the 25th and overnight that night! I cannot rent a car on the 25th, which means that - God willing - I will pick up the rental car tomorrow at Noon (i.e. the 24th).
That meant I was going to have a car, and nothing to necessarily do with it for a day; but now I have discovered that the Director I worked for at Carberry Bible Camp in the summer of 1995 currently lives in Cochrane (near where I am in Calgary)! I don't know if I can pay them a visit, but as I have said, "Here is 'HOPE IN'!"
Also, I do earnestly and fervently pray I will be able to show up at certain friends' place on the first of next year - of course, if God will. For whatever it is worth, I have asked a friend here in Calgary to hold me accountable to an agreement: no more visiting that place (trusting I am able to visit it, again, on the first of next year) more than once a year (of course, IF that). In other words, from now on, if those friends wanted to see me more than once a year, they would have to come and see me here. I would love it if they did - but the ball would be squarely in their court; and that would be exactly where it belongs.
Also, if there is one thing that has been settled in my mind, in no uncertain terms, it is that I am to "...-333 ... 1,910,762,114,877.1 ..." And not only that! Also, "... -333 ... 70,711,880,470.1 ..." to "...-333 ... 1,910,762,114,877.1 ..." After all, I am painfully and even mournfully aware that I could have lost that privilege! I was not trying to lose it, though - I really thought I was doing the right thing! How could I have been so sure of something so "... 60,460,385,573 ..."? I'm me. I'm not saying I like who I am - but I am saying I am me. I wish I could say I liked it, but I do not.
Let me put it this way: a while back, I beloved friend in Australia, over the phone, mentioned "... 24,306,635,642,851/-353 -83,232,561,748,300 ..." (By the way, this may seem ridiculous to say, but please bear with me... this is "-3,085,534,426,214". I know ye could really do me in if ye wanted to, but please don't! I love you!) God willing, I will phone my friend again and ask him, "Where do I start with that...?"
It would mean so much to me to see you again, and love and be loved by you - legitimately, of course, and definitely within reason.
Monday, December 21, 2015
I was thinking...
"Here my prayer, O LORD, or Jehovah - give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears. For I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. O spare me that I may recover strength before I go hence, and be no more." Psalm 39:12-13
Sometimes, things look brighter than others. Right now, I mourn; but I do also recall that Jesus blessed are ye that mourn, for ye shall be comforted. I have definitely done what I can to do the right thing, and pursue what I believed God had placed on my heart, but things have not turned out as I had hoped. I am cold, tired, and - well - happy because I am deciding to be. After all, this IS the day which the LORD, or Jehovah hath made - and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. I recall that verse from II Corinthians 4: "Sorrowful, and yet rejoicing..." ;)
Sometimes, things look brighter than others. Right now, I mourn; but I do also recall that Jesus blessed are ye that mourn, for ye shall be comforted. I have definitely done what I can to do the right thing, and pursue what I believed God had placed on my heart, but things have not turned out as I had hoped. I am cold, tired, and - well - happy because I am deciding to be. After all, this IS the day which the LORD, or Jehovah hath made - and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. I recall that verse from II Corinthians 4: "Sorrowful, and yet rejoicing..." ;)
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Good News!
My youngest sister gave birth to her third son this morning at about 2:30 AM! I apologize, again, for any degree to which what I wrote made you feel uncomfortable. I pray ye will know just how much I wanted to bless you - NOT make you feel uncomfortable. What I am saying is that it was an honest mistake.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
I said ye could do it... -revised
...and ye did. In other words, "2,135,133,137". My response? "1,455.1". Thank you for the tasteful and gracious manner in which ye said it. I know ye put a LOT of time, energy, prayer, and maybe even tears into it. If there is one thing I know, it is that ye are NOT out to get me! If ye were, I would have been in such trouble! Obviously, however, ye are willing to do whatever ye can to help me. I recall a passage from Isaiah, where God says he did everything he could for his vineyard to produce grapes - but it still produced wild grapes! My resolve is that all your efforts to get grapes - as opposed to wild grapes - out of me, are going to pay off!
In other words: "9.1 -21,461,044 -455,848,164" in making the request I did, but I will learn from it, and adjust accordingly. Obviously, I did not know what the answer would be when I made the request. If I had known, of course, I would not have made the request. Now I know, however, and I pray I will be wiser for it.
In other words: "9.1 -21,461,044 -455,848,164" in making the request I did, but I will learn from it, and adjust accordingly. Obviously, I did not know what the answer would be when I made the request. If I had known, of course, I would not have made the request. Now I know, however, and I pray I will be wiser for it.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
God willing...
...I am finally off to see "Peanuts" for the eighth time! Praying that my response to a certain letter will be what it ought to be - regardless of what it says; in Jesus name.
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