Saturday, May 21, 2016
By the way... - revised
I know it can be annoying when someone seems to insist on being "a heretic", but burning any man, woman, boy, girl, or even creature alive for ever never has been OK, and it never will be. And if it wouldn't be OK for US to EVER even THINK of doing it; then how in the world did we EVER become convinced God would do it? The answer: "All we like sheep have gone astray - we have turned every one to his own way..."
One excuse people try to use is, "We simply cannot understand God - and just because WE think something is 'horribly cruel and even UNJUST' doesn't mean it is." And do you know what? Just because we think something is horribly cruel and unjust doesn't mean is ISN'T! Think about it! Remember when Nathan told David that story about the rich man with a poor neighbour? The rich man had a bunch of cattle, but the poor man had one ewe lamb. And the rich man has a guest, and he doesn't want to take one of his own lambs - no! That would never do! He goes and takes the poor man's!
Do you know what David didn't say? WHAT WE SAY! "Just because we think that was cruel doesn't mean it was cruel..." As a matter of fact, David "walked right into it", and responded in anger - and understandably do!
Why don't WE respond the same way to "Hel"? It is because we are afraid of what other people will think of us. But "the fear of man bringeth a snare - but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD, or Jehovah, shall be safe."
Remember when slavery was considered acceptable? I mean shipping Africans across the sea in slave ships? And when a slave owner could throw his slaves overboard and GET OFF in court, because the judge deemed that that was just like throwing horses overboard? I am actually thankful to say, I do not; because people fought to abolish slavery.
True: modern day slavery does exist. For example, in the "p-word" industry, women are horribly enslaved and abused. And then there is in-womb-infanticide, also known as abortion. And these are all obviously evil - just like "Hel." And, by the way, "Hel" was the name of the Norse, Mythological goddess of the dead. That is where we get the word "hell" from!
So when people say Jesus talked about "Hel"? Excuse me? He talked about "Gehennah", and "Hades", which later got TRANSLATED "hell".
I still remember when I was deliberating my stance on "Hel". I was at a Christian bookstore and read much of Francis Chan's book "Erasing Hell". Then I went to a library and finished reading Gary Amirault's "Take the Hell Test". Gary made such mincemeat out of eternal conscious torment, also known as "Hel", it wasn't even funny. It wasn't even a contest.
If I had to die childless as a result of continuing to come to take out "Hel", I would.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Another picture (revised)
I was reading about Josiah last night; and - again - very inspired to "clean house". I.e. abolish in-womb-infanticide and re-criminalize sodomy... and pornography... oh! Yeah! Gambling, too! Those, of course, among many other things. It would only, however, be fair to add that I am still coming to take "Hel" out USING the King James Bible. What I love about this is that there isn't another mainstream version I am aware of, where "Hel" "loveth" to hide more. I mean, with the New International Version? It may be that the word "hell" isn't in the Old Testament even ONCE! In the King James? "She" (i.e. "Hel") is still conspicuous in her absence from especially the Old Testament (but then again, when do you even ONCE see the word ("Hel", a.k.a. "hell") in PAUL'S EPISTLES?), but the occurrence of that word is definitely a whole lot more frequent in the King James. That is why it is when a preacher "useth" the "King James", he is so much more likely to prance, dance, pound the pulpit, and "preach 'Hel'"! And this is why I so enjoy USING the King James to take "Hel" out. Remember how David took Goliath out? At least, that is what I mean, in a sense.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
...And another...
I originally had Psalm 81:10 in mind when I made this picture, but Psalm 119:131 is another verse that comes to mind. Recently, however, I found another one! Matthew 5:2! "...he ____ed ___ m____..."
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Here cometh another...

Also, I am working on something else to go in the mail, for you, God willing.
Friday, May 13, 2016
And here is another...
By the way, something occurred to me: my dad is turning seventy this year (the 23rd of next month); my friend is turning "i.ı.ıiı.iıiiıiııı." (in the fall), and "iı.iıııi....i.iiiiı.iiıiiı.ıiıi..ıii" is turning "ıiıi....ı" (a week after my "i.iiiii.i"'s birthday). That means my dad, my friend, and his "i.iiiiı.iiıiiı.ıiıi..ıii" are approximately "ıiıiı.iıııiiıiııı." years apart.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
I would really like to...
..."ıiıiii.iı.i....ıiı.ıi...ıı..ıiı.i", but only in such a way that "'ıı..ıiı.i'...iiiıiii.....iiı.ıi..ii.ı.ıiıiiıiıiiiii..iıi.." - and I mean that in the ".ı..iıi.ııiiiii.iı".
Monday, May 9, 2016
I was SO glad that "ıı..ıiı.i...ı.ıi..ıiii....ı'ıiı" there when "iıı....ı.iı..ıi..ıi..i.i" last night. Now, however, I pray with all my heart that I might be able to "ıiıiii.iı.i....ıiı.ıi...ıı..ıiı.i". By the way, I was glad that "ıı..ıiı.i...ı.ıi..ıiii....ı'ıiı" there, because I was so... well... "iiii.ııiiiiiiııi.i" of "ıı..ıiı.i....ı.iııiiı.i.iıı..ıiıi" up! I was so thankful I could simply ".iıi..iiiı..i.....iii.....ii..ıi.ıi.iiiiıii..". Asking God to pull the plug and let me "i.iıii.ıi.ı....i.ii..iiii.i" is not an option; so that means I have to find a way to live - and I think that means talking to "ıı..ıiı.i"! If God will, I will see if I can ".ı.iı..ıi..ıi.....ıiı.ıi..ıiııiıiiı.ıiı".
"My heart within me is desolate". Psalms
"My heart within me is desolate". Psalms
Friday, May 6, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016
I was thinking...
...that, God willing, I would phone on "Sonday"; in lieu of the "holy day" being celebrated that day.
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