Friday, January 27, 2017

I am thinking of...

"-215,459,442.1" this "87,168,378.1", "-7,061,332 -904,992" - "-143 -5059.1 193,129". Not that I am not "-190,698,526" to; but simply that - again - "-143 -5059.1 193,129" - "-9.1 193,129". Also, I have spent a lot of time "3,685,146,050". A "-1397"; and I pray that God - and even "8810" - will "48,795,821,069" that. Also, if I were "8810", I would DEFINITELY want to "-58,256" how "-9.1 -164,270". And, please! Rest assured, I "-78,883,448,783,388" care how "8810 -164,270". That is why I have "136,486,772 -345 -9.1 -127,341". I simply do not think I should have to "187,225 -5773 -170,824". My question to "8810" is: "5,359,544.1 315 187,387 191"? If "315" could take my word for it: "29.1" - "315 5,359,544 790".  I am, as I said, "79,995,104", though. I "-127,395" making "8810 4,263,245/-82,832,784,714." Then again, however, "-92,828,653 -179,335,695" does involve some "-77,609,594,027,927" - and I am STILL believing for "8810" to have those "144,937 119,589". Why? Why not! I still believe "-9.1 -352" going to "-3,726,641.1 -571,204,558" - and if I can still believe for that? Well? "315.1" already "-6,905,097.1 -571,204,558". And, by the way, not that I am saying that "315 -268", but "-3,845,485,746". Because, " every year, "-113,629,995", a year goes by. Even, "-4,612,236 -148,498,308." And I can assure "8810", that I do not do "3,685,146,050" like this "-3,068,014,508". I do it because "-9.1 -127,341 191". I am "3,241,168", though. "-2,429,308,627,345.1". "44,270,459.1 1681". And, if "315" can receive it, "-492,819.1" and "-5,577,837.1", "-9.1 12,869 8810". And, of course, "-9.1 -37,674 8810". Though "315" have every right to "-4,009,233,897", I still "-4,779,353,655" and "62,355", in "-2,298,315.1"'s name that "315" will "-192,604,628." It would "66,704,187 -26,594 -13 -1397 191 -36". I am watching "Hoovey" right now, though - and it is definitely helping.



Monday, January 23, 2017

Apparently I need...

...this. I talked to a friend on the phone two days ago, and was able to get more background regarding that comment. Today, I reflected on the matter, and found myself really mourning the comment. It was definitely not my intention to make anyone uncomfortable. Therefore, as I know I have already say, I am sorry.

