Thursday, August 12, 2010

Moving back to Winnipeg FROM Saskatoon, God willing

That's right - I am in Saskatoon, again! And planning to head back to Winnipeg again. I would liken all this wandering to the weaving of a tapestry.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Just lost job again

It hurts, but I know that God knows that. As a matter of fact, I think he would even have men rejoice at the fact. In my opinion, Jesus (and David, for that matter) made it clear in no uncertain terms that God was with the down-and-outers. The not-quite-have-it-all together-er's. Either way, I got turfed again, and it is agonizing, although I insist on having the biggest, "beamingest" smile my face can possibly produce, anyway.

The fact is, right from the day I walked in to Nu-Fab to get this job, I was asked what I was doing there. In other words, what was someone with a degree and such a vast array of experience doing in a manufacturing plant? The same question continued to get asked by people working in the plant. It finally got answered: I would be there no longer. I was made for more. And I wait on God for more - because he knows that in the integrity of my heart I have done this (i.e. done the job I did for them). I made a few mistakes, I am willing to admit, but they were honest mistakes, and I will learn from them.

I do have a problem: I cannot seem to get and keep a jolly job. By that problem will end. I know this, because Robert Schuller says so in his book: "Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do." And if anyone knows about problems, it is him! Honey, I want thee to know that I thank God, in advance, for thee. A woman who believes in me even when times are tough. Thanks, again, in advance, for that.



Saturday, June 12, 2010

What I said on my Psalms and Proverbs Once a Month Blog...

I appreciate thy bearing with me, but my ability to financially support a wife and family is something I have had to wait on God regarding, and I continue to wait - but I found a "token for good" that encouraged me. I shared about it at Thanks for waiting and believing with me for the turnaround that only God can bring about. By the way, I do have some work helping someone prepare some tax forms.


Daniel Robbins