Sunday, January 31, 2016

Again, though... takes faith to not wish I could get out of all of this. One of the reasons is: how am I affecting other people, here? Do they know what to do, let alone how? I would apologize, but then I think that would involve apologizing for being me. And, as outrageously unusual as that may be (and I know it is), I will not do that. Instead, I will pray: "God! Please, help us! In Jesus' name, amen!" I do love you (and that is plural) and there is even no me not loving you -ever.


Friday, January 29, 2016

Dying... not an option, so, in my opinion, "9.1 6,839,123,039." Could it even also be that "315 253,300,491"? I would certainly like to think so.



Thursday, January 28, 2016


...I need help! I made a phone call last night, and am very thankful for how it went. Remember me, though, because I miss my friends and would love to see them ASAP! In Jesus' name, amen!"



P.S. (And I remember one of their "-3,814,905" telling them "4,203" wanted to go on an "-137,848,404,051" ride. When I was "16,056", I had said I wanted to go to Florida, so my parents decided we would GO to Florida! I love them for that! I would, personally, love to see the "16,056 121,853,576,843" get her wish as well. And, for whatever it is worth, the last time "4,203" talked to "-36" on the phone, "4,203" said, "'3,745,258,068' that '101,122,107,173' have '59,146,734,905'...")

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Long time me no share...

...this song! For that matter, long time me no listen to it, either; which I am doing right now! I made the phone call, and, I must say: I need help! And I ask for it, in Jesus' name! Amen!



Friday, January 22, 2016

I do admit, though...

...that if I were in your shoes, I would have said, "29.1", too! I have to ask myself, therefore: what would make me change my mind if I were in their shoes? What comes to mind is: a "35,676,742,518,676". A "35,676,742,518,676" that this really IS meant to me! Really IS such a good thing, I could not possibly pass it up! Bear with my asking this, but have "315" watched "-3,675,430,489,670.1 128,241.1 1476.1 -9460 5375.1" yet? If not, then in my opinion, now would be a really good time to! In fact - and, again, bear with me - but if "315" have, already, why not "5,063,331" again! And REALLY bear with me here, but - as I have said - "5,063,331 4932 -4,194,864,093, 5,159!" My "-676.1" and love to do that when we see a show. "-7651.1 -9460 -676.1", if "315" want to be, I feel like I "12,869 8810" more than ever! I definitely thank "8810" for being there when I needed "8810" in the past, and I pray that "315" will want to "-2,454,666,966" now.



Thursday, January 21, 2016

One of these days...

...God willing, I am going to phone you (plural) up and ask you to change your minds! Again, in Jesus'  name: Mountain, move! :)



Tuesday, January 19, 2016

As a follow up... - revised

...I remember being at staff training, in the summer of 1996, and being asked where I was going (i.e. "What camp?") I had to look into the eyes of the person who had asked me that question and say, "I don't know..." I'll never forget the way she looked back at me. It was as if she could see in my eyes that I needed for someone to be with me in that moment and "Hold my heart." Thank you.



Thursday, January 14, 2016

Grace... - revised

...That is what I remember receiving a lot of - especially in the summer of 1996. I watched a movie yesterday, called "The Grace Card"; and it touched me very deeply! 1996 was definitely a "rough summer", in many respects - but I remember my first week of counseling teen camp. I had two "angel campers" if I had ever had ones! For example, those two campers got us 10 out of 10 for cabin cleanup without my having to do a thing.

Yet, at the end of the week, "John", one of my "angel campers" stayed behind in the chapel after chapel. Therefore, I stayed with him and prayed with him. HE wanted to get right with God! And I remember him praying, and thanking God for ME! Saying that I was such a good example of a believer; and that he wanted to be just like me! I will never forget that - nor the warm friendship of some very good friends. I remember feeling like I was a bruised reed, and a smoking flax. Yet, these friends made it clear that they were not going to crush me or put me out - and I thank them for that. I pray that they will be blessed - and not made to feel awkward.

Remember the saying, "All road lead to Rome", though? Well, in my case, it isn't Rome - but it sure is not too far from where I spent the first eight of eleven years of my life! Why? Because it is where the love is! And as I have said before, I cannot live without that! Even: "No way, Jose!" That is how I feel, anyway! I also know that "with the well advised is wisdom" - so I am determined to behave more wisely than I ever have before!



P.S. I also remember filling out my camper reports after a week of camp, and one of those two friends came along and asked me what I was doing. I remember telling her, and then getting on a tirade about how I hated the item: "Witnesses to others..."I said, to the effect of: "I cannot understand who would have put that item on the form! Who in the world would be silly enough to do that...!" Then along comes John - the director - to ask me something - just as I am saying that! My two friends had a real good laugh at that one! ;)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


...I "-37,674" "-27,461,410" "8810"; but I pray "315" will know I do not take "8810" for granted. And when I say, "8810"? That is "42,144,595." And - even there - my "-37,364" is expressed in good faith that it is a blessing.

"44,348,248,267,185", or "3,806,064,025 6,950",


Tuesday, January 12, 2016


A year ago? When I asked someone to delete an article from their wall. Not only did they say they would do it - they also said why: "They '1,320,367,078,601' me!" And I want to say to them that I "-37,674" them! And, of course, in like manner: "1,811,203,126"!



Sunday, January 10, 2016

God, I am believing...

...thee for great and mighty things, which we know not (Jeremiah XXXIII.3). And I am telling another mountain to move, in Jesus' name! I just read the story of Harriet Tubman, and was she ever a fearless warrior! And she had to overcome unspeakable injustice! Surely I can move this mountain - definitely if God will! And I sure do not know what else to do! Therefore, as I said: "Mountain, move, in Jesus' name!" My dream is to see everyone win!



Friday, January 8, 2016

Can I say it?

"-9.1 -20,021,499,424, -676.1, -75,987,253 72,597,566,931,363!"


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The enemy is coming in like a flood...

...but I know enough to know that the LORD, or Jehovah, shall raise up a standard against him! I continue to do battle on the buses here in Calgary - and today I got bawled out by a BUS DRIVER! I just submitted a complaint to Calgary Transit, in which I mentioned that the possibility of a law suit had come to mind! I remember Jesus' words: "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my names sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad - for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." And, again, "...Of whom the world was not worthy..." I sure could use... I already have a family, but, still, I could use... a family that wants me as a "3,228,759" and "-4,576,105,282" (respectively). Technically, that would be (at least, in God's good time) "-71,214,893", but I would love to count that a technicality and call "8810.1 -676.1 and -7,651.1", and them "83,559,200". By the way, I think society has come to "-3,942,973,783/-2,646,819" against "-971". In particular, "-971" like "-36". I would be so thankful if "315" decided: "Hey! We are not participating in that! In fact, we are taking a stand against it, and with '-4,510'. We even '99,585,130,157'! We will '68,138,171,864'!" I would be so thankful if that happened! In closing, I would like to ask when the last time is that "315" read "-4,346,129.1 -2,309,711,149,849.1/-51,817,199,682 3,017,818.1, 51,634,347,336,344.1". One quick caveat, though: of course, "315" have the final say as to what that verse actually means to "8810".

At your mercy (and very thankful to be),

Daniel Robbins


I need help, and I pray for it, in Jesus' name, amen!



Monday, January 4, 2016

Alright, so...

I just watched "-3,675,430,489,670.1 128,241.1" yet again (this time, in French) - just because I could. Could I convince "8810" to watch it? And, as a special request: please do not skip the "-4,194,864,093" (but, by all means! Have something to "do" on hand while you watch them!) Then, watch "-3,675,430,489,670.1 68,152,530,656.1" (and, again, make sure to watch the "-4,194,864,093" to the end! "8810" have every right to say, as ye have said, "29.1", but what is wrong with "8511.1"?

