Thursday, September 29, 2016

In thee, O LORD, or Jehovah, do I put my trust...

...let me never be put to confusion. Psalm LXXI. I have to get a roof and floor done tomorrow, which, I admit, is a challenge - but I suppose that necessity is the mother of invention. Also, I really miss "-215,040,645"; but that means I really need God to turn "70,768,746,650"'"6" "-3,375,128", so that "-171" decides to give "-4612" to me in LESS than "6,220,429,562,193", WITH "-13 -1,898,295,535,764". And I pray to that, in Jesus' name. "Mountain, move! Again, in Jesus' name!"

And, as I have quoted before? ..."-24,306,915,295 -783,528." And "-2,453,790,489 8,263,762,486,766"...



Tuesday, September 27, 2016


The "-4,449,371,163.1 65,287,047,618.1", if not the "2,734,499,050.1 -4,232,619,056". In the latter case, I have actually already bought "-155,785 2,634,287,622" with "8810" in mind. I am feeling "4424" about "1,077,246,965" and bringing that up right now, though. I would hate to come across as "-158,998,722". Here is my case, though: it was "237,875" idea to come and "92,289,650,364", even back when I lived in "1,560,867,334,021.1". I still remember when I first heard the idea. It was like a dream. It never happened, but it was definitely a welcome thought.

Then, again, there was the idea of "8810" coming "24,120,703,105" to "-4,449,371,163.1" (and beyond, I acknowledge). I have "-27,598,006 -3,067,821,415" to that happening for a long time now - and how many times have "9.1 -114,308,185,591 59,146,734,905"?

Furthermore, your "27,431,710 -109,529,040,451" has said she wants to "-84,285,577,417 1,545,498". My two cents? Give "-3,362,161 54,653,422,826,628" to "-98,030,644,901.1", "-5,219,406" her to "-4,449,371,163.1", take her to the "-4,232,619,056", and "-3,121,689,046" back home.

What makes me think "315" would do all that? Oh, only the fact that I know "315" know "82,727,520 2,362,566,175". Remember all those years trying to "-67,674,232,993"? And remember when her "-121,566,820" was all "-2,917,209,198,385"? By the grace of God, I was able to have a hand in helping "-2,396,804,249 1681".

That "-4,232,619,056" is a week before a certain other date; which I am looking forward to - and if I knew that, a week before it, I could finally "2,190,608,612" again, I would look forward to it even more.



"My heart is inditing a good matter. I speak of the things which I have made, touching the king. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer..." Psalm XLV.

Monday, September 26, 2016


I know I talked about "-123,723,247,561" in my last post, but I really "-142,425,398" want to "-3,845,374,013". I do, however, pray, in Jesus' name, that I will "2,190,608,612" here in "-4,449,371,163.1" ... "119,611."



Saturday, September 24, 2016

Alright, so...

...sorry to say this, but I am feeling... "3,110,270,574"... right now. God willing, I will phone and seek to convey how I am feeling. As a matter of fact, I am feeling inclined to... "-123,723,243,717". In fact, as things stand, that is the obvious thing to do. It is simply that, again, as things stand - right now - it would be a positively... "3,110,270,574 -123,723,243,717" - definitely for me. My prayer is that the... "-123,723,243,717" at least be a happy one. That, however, would involve at least one friend making a... "141,294" to "-4,449,371,163.1". In all honesty, I would really appreciate it if that were, actually, "-3,030,453,264".



"...for I am poor and sorrowful, and my heart is wounded within me. I am gone like the shadow that declineth. I am tossed up an down as a locust..." Psalm CIX.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

That movie?...

I forgot it on a shelf, used a computer, remembered the movie, went to retrieve it, and it was gone. The library staff had obviously found it and checked it back in! Oops!


Daniel Robbins

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I am at the library...

...and just picked up, among other things, a movie called "Old Fashioned."


Daniel Robbins