Sunday, March 29, 2015


I know I keep saying this - but I say it for a reason: I mean it! I will either find a legitimate, fair and square, and above board way to do what I am dreaming of doing - or I will not do it! Now, one question that I might have if I were certain people, would be: "How? How, pray tell, supposest thou that thou canst DO this legitimately?" Again! "-120,879,703,437.1!" I read in Luke chapter one, today, that, in effect, "Anything is ...possible." (see verse 37) I didn't take the "IM" out! I took the "UN"! That's right! My 1611 edition of the King "Iames" had "un" in front of possible, and I said: "No way will I even say it! Put it! I'll take it out! I refuse to say the word! Type the word! As far as I am concerned, I am going to step up to the plate and put "...POSSIBLE!"

By the way, the context? A young woman. Not YET married! About to conceive! A child! And here she is, "How?..." And the angel says, in effect, "Trust me! SOMEhow!" I believe God has put me up to this, and I am more than happy to step up and believe that this IS going to happen - again - SOMEhow!... "-120,879,703,437.1"!



Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Knitter, as I live!

I don't even knit, and I loved looking through this magazine here at the library! I was able to access it as an "E-magazine". I thought I had better post it on my jolly blog! After all, one never knows who might be coming along, who has an interest in such things! ;) I wanted to say, I do not believe God - the potter - would have me - the clay - asking him, "Why hast thou made me thus." In my case, I would even say, "REmade me thus." See, in Jeremiah, there is a passage where God says, "I reserve the right to take a vessel and remake it a certain way, as I see fit." I believe that is what God has done with me. Remade me. Made a decision: OK! I am going to make Daniel Robbins into a real work of art for the whole world to see. I think he has something to prove, and I look forward to SEEING him prove it! I don't second-guess him! Not for a moment! "Out of the mouth of babes hast thou ordained strength..." And I remember a certain "babe" CONSTANTLY saying my name last time I was over! "Amen!" ;)


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

It's Perfect!

One thing I love about the dream on my heart right now, is that it is perfect. It is such a contrast with any other situations I can think of. Ironically, I have even had to let some people go on Facebook. They were interested in me, but I was not in them, in any way, shape, or form. On of the reasons? I didn't have to do anything! I find that so off-putting.

With this dream, though? What do I not have to do? I mean, I have wait, believe, pray like never before in my entire life, constantly watch for "snags" (as I said in an earlier post). I have to "move this mountain" - but that means I have to "get help"! "What do I mean by 'get help'?" Do something they were implying I should do way back in Junior High! I remember someone telling me I needed help. Well, I sure need help now! I believe this dream will fly; but I readily admit, again, that it will require the help of others in order to fly, to say the least.

Therefore, I must find favour! My friends must want to help me! And I love that! I have to do something! I have to risk on a whole new level! A level that does frighten me - I cannot deny it! I love it, though! Having to do something.

See, when someone likes you and keeps contacting you, and you haven't even done anything for them? To me, that is not "easy". It is just plain off-putting. But this dream? Now THIS is "easy"! Matthew 11:28ff easy! Perfectly easy, and I thank God for that.



Monday, March 23, 2015

A song I have been meaning to share: - revised

Oh My Dear. It isn't quite exactly what my experience was - but it is a strikingly amazing approximation. It is one of the reasons I want to say this: This current "mountain" I am believing to move?... There is no way I would be there without friends. Friends who were there when I really needed them. There is no way I would be dreaming about, again, "moving this mountain" if it hadn't been for the night that this song makes me think of. It was a night where I was drained, exhausted, devastated, and at the end of my rope. I had just reached out to someone (the day before), only to have them basically turn on me. Not that that person had meant to - just that he was obviously not ready for what I had told him.

The next night, I asked if I could stay at my friend's place, and he said that would be alright. He set up a bed downstairs and we talked a bit. Then he offered to pray for me. I asked him to lay hands on me; to which he agreed. He prayed, and then I prayed. And I feel like I didn't know what else to do, so I simply "let go... of the rope... I was hanging onto". It was terrifying, and yet I didn't know what else to do. I opened up. I talked openly to God about my experience the day before... and several years before. I admitted - in general terms - to a painful mistake, but I also plead my case with the judge of all the earth. I still remember reaching a "climax", where I was so emotionally charged that I couldn't even get past the word, "...set!..."

"I ...set!..." (sob... sob... sob... sob...) Then I tried again, "That I... set!..." I repeated that cycle of saying the word and then sobbing, three or more time. I was quoting a verse from Isaiah 50, where he writes, "Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed." I was telling God (or at least, trying to) that - not only had I made that (again, painful) mistake, but that I had afterwards: "...set my face like a flint... and I knew that I would not be ashamed... and I wasn't ashamed..." I did eventually get all of those words out; but not before, again, sobbing with great emotion. As I sobbed, though, I felt arms... around me.

It was as if letting go of that rope put me into a "trust-fall" - and one that I could afford to take! (By the way, remember that video: "Gold"? There are scene's where the various characters go into a "trust fall" and are caught by people who then welcome them into that "house" at the end of the story told in the video. To me? That is SUCH a perfect analogy! :) ♥) Because my friend caught me. Held me. When I stood up, he said, "I love you, Daniel", and took me up into a "bear hug". I want to say that I will always remember that - and, again, that is one of the main reasons I am dreaming of (as, I know, I keep saying) "moving this mountain".

By the way: ANOTHER reason I am currently wanting to do what I want to do? Because I was able to move a previous mountain. If that one hadn't moved? I'd still be "stymied!" It moved, though - and that, because a friend respected me enough to do something I asked her to. I will always remember that, too.

If, therefore - for any reason - I run into any "snags"? Snags, such as, "Uh... We don't want that. Nothing personal, but: no thanks." I mean: "Say no more!" I never want to presume on you. Ever.

I never want to make you feel like you cannot breathe. Uncomfortable. Not knowing what to say, but knowing you have to say it anyway. I know there is a risk of that - and I take it very seriously.

I, however, feel like I don't know where to go, except forward, with what is on my heart. Therefore, I resolve to move forward as I am allowed and able. Again - though - I am always on the lookout for "snags". "Red alerts". Stop signs. Closed doors. Anything that tells me I am being anything other than a blessing to you.

I, however, had such a great sleep last night - and it was a short one! I was "on the floor" (I sleep on the floor right now, instead of my futon, because I was getting a sore back on the futon) after 11 PM last night. I was up, however, in time to turn off my alarm BEFORE it rang at "4:20 AM" (and that is ten to fifteen minutes fast).

Last night, I really felt a peace about the dreams in my heart. I can say: these dreams are BOLD! Bold as brass! (I don't know how to tell you this but: "even I can be like that at times"! (I'm being facetious, of course, trusting that of course ye already knew that!)) They (the dreams in my heart) even frightened me a bit, earlier last night. I was thinking it all through, and I have to admit: the only way this is "...possible" is when I take out the "im..." I take it out, though! Because I would love for this to happen. And I believe that God has planted such a desire in my hearts.

And I thank him for doing it! He is the one that did it - but I love it! And I love him! And I love you!

And I look forward to see "you", and - if God will, and "ye" (a.k.a. "you) will - putting on a SHOW for you! Four Psalms and a song! I practiced up the Psalms again this morning as I was running to work. It was a short run, though, so I didn't have time to practice the "song". (I can do encores too, if needs be!) My prayer is that "ye" will know that I appreciate you; and be deeply blessed and ministered to. I have said this before, but I have been practicing this up for years. The first Psalm that I would recite (if, again, I was permitted to), I have been working on for about 22 years! The other Psalms, definitely several years. And the song? I wrote it in 2012, I think; and have been working on and practicing it ever since. To be honest: I thought I might sing that song for you when ye came over back in 2012 (for my birthday party, which was actually just before New Year's). Well! That sure didn't happen - and I'm glad it didn't! I wasn't ready yet! Now, however, I pray that I am!

The bottom line is: stop me any time ye need to! Ye have earned the right to! I would never have come this far without your help. Therefore, I want you to know that how ye feel matters to me. And I am soberly aware of the delicate nature of the dreams I am dreaming.

I am walking through a mine field if there ever was one - but I feel anointed to actually SWEEP this minefield! I pray that my willingness to "tip-toe-through..." not the "tulips", but the LIONS' DEN! The burning fiery furnace! The giant(S)! Goliath (AND HIS BROTHERS)! (By the way: did ye know one of Goliath's brothers almost killed David? It was when David was no longer a spring chicken, and he fainted on the battlefield. God, however, comes along and says, "Nice try! Nobody touches my servant David without my permission!" And David's nephew takes out the giant! Hooray!) I mean - again! I am being bold as brass! And even I'm scared! Only as scared, though, as I know I must be.

Again: "A wise man FEARETH, and DEPARTETH from evil; but the fool rageth, and is confident." I refuse to be that fool. I also, however, insist on being bold as a lion! "The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion." So, yes! "Roar!" I think boldness is called for! In fact, necessary. "Necessity is the mother of invention."

And I believe God has planted that (necessity) in me. For now, though, let me suffice it to call it: "would love to". That's conditional - and I know it has to be. What if ye have to stop me? Call me off? Tell me ye can see where I am going, and that ye do not want me to go there? Then I have to listen! And I will! It is the least I can do, seeing I would want that if I were you! Therefore, I wait. Psalm 123 wait. Bless you! Love you!

Today? I waited at two VERY LONG RED LIGHTS, and that bought be enough time to at least get into practicing PART OF the song, after the four Psalms! I love you!


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Green Light!" - Revised

Hallelujah! By the way: Green light on "being there" - something I definitely was wanting, and - again - got! :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Planning to make a phone call...

...if God will, on my way home from the library. I just revised my last post. I wanted to let "8810" know that I am praying for "8810". If "315" could pray for me as well, I would appreciate it. After all, as I read in I Corinthians VII (among other things): "...the present '-106,450,728,924'..." (verse 26). I know there are certain "-77,602,581,385,833" that come with the territory "315" now occupy. "315", however, are handling it extremely well, and I "-37,674 8810" for that! "1,919,681,286,389.1!" I have faith to move this mountain; but also stand ready and willing to adjust my plans as needs be. Please rest assured: the last thing I ever plan to do is "1,229,346,927". Sorry, though, if I have ever done that. I have not intended to; but - again - if I ever have, I "-3,639,455,852,598". I "2,440,969,162 8810", no matter what happens. My "-2,615,889" are "-105,170", but I hold that "-96,885" with "2,025,800,964,902" - "41,311" - hands (and "41,311 -486,059" ;)!♥



Saturday, March 7, 2015

About this "mountain"... - revised

It's big, OK? It's huge! It's the sort of "mountain" - I feel - only I would even think about trying to move. Here is the thing, though: It's in the way. Of my destiny. At least, in my opinion. As I said before, though? There is no way I can move this mountain...

Let me tell a story. Eric got set... The gun shot sounded... and Eric took off. Just moments into the race, however, he got knocked down. What generally happens when you get knocked down in a race? Do you win it? Do you come in first place? Not likely... Unless you're Eric. He realizes he is still in the race. He gets back up. He starts running again. In his mind, he says to himself: "There is no way I can win this race... unless it is God's will!..." As is his characteristic style, he throws his head back and flails his arms as if he is drowning! Seriously! This is how Eric Liddell won his races! Would he win this one? He gained on the pack of runners, then the other runners, and then even on the one in first place... and he WON! THE RACE! AFTER GETTING KNOCKED DOWN! FOUR HUNDRED YARDS! Therefore, when he ran the famous 400 Meter race in France? In 1924? Of course he was going to win gold and set a world record! He had ALREADY won a 400 yard race AFTER GETTING KNOCKED DOWN!

Speaking of Eric Liddell? He is quoted as having said something to the effect of: "When God made me, he made me fast - and when I run? I feel his pleasure."

...Again: there is no way I can move this mountain... unless it is God's will. Furthermore, there is also no way I can move this mountain, unless it is three other key people's will. And if - for any reason - I learn that it is not their will? Then I must at least wait, if not carry on; and, in that case, I will. Getting back to that Eric Liddell quote, though: "When God made me... and remade me? He remade me with an amazing ability (even to me!) to find favour with '-117,461,409,011'!" Seriously! When I was in my early twenties, I had a significant other, who was the one that found such favour with '-117,461,409,011'! She even said that her friend would get angry that her SON preferred her (my significant other) to her (my significant other's friend with the son)!"...

...Let me also say something about this "significant other". We didn't agree on everything, to say the least. For example, when I told her that "some people trying homeschooling" their children?... Well! Did she ever make known her views on that! Well, a little after that, we sort of had a "make up" conversation. One of the things I told her in that conversation (and, seriously! All I was doing was telling it like it was!) was that I thought she would make the BEST mother of anyone (because, again! She was SO good with -117,461,409,011)! When I said that, though; she kept saying, "Really?..." "...Really?" She said she thought that that was the nicest thing I had ever said to her. Today, as far as I know, she is married and has children - and I have no doubt that she is living up to the TRUTH I spoke over her that day. But do ye know what she said to me? SHE said that SHE would be more than happy to follow me as her "1,724,090,406,640 -33,744,190"! Then there was a pause, and then she added: "In fact, I think that you would make the '-242,588'!... 1,724,090,406,640 -33,744,190!"

I'm so thankful for those words - spoken by her over me. I, however, still have yet to enter into that privilege and responsibility. When, however, I am finally released into it? I resolve that I will receive it with a healthy fear and trembling; but also blessed rest. "Finally... Finally, it happened for me..." Yes, I got knocked down - but no, I am not staying down. I am back up, and running! Head thrown back! Arms flailing! Knowing, again, that I can move this mountain - trusting that it is God's will - and, again, three other key people's will.

And if I could throw in one more detail? Not only do I have the words of my former significant other encouraging me. Now, just like she was? I! Am finding favour with "-117,461,409,011"! And, "192,214 -5.1 91,493 191 133,163; -5.1 3,012,381 -4,503 -121,521,163".

I do agonize, though - because I don't want to be anything other than a blessing; and I know that, in moving this mountain, I must be circumspect. Nevertheless, I do believe it needs to be moved - and, again, in good faith that I can find the help I need with moving it: I'm moving it! I suppose the question I have to put out there now, though, is: "-8,369.1 315 - -257,173 -1,572,911 -345 '8,810' - -124,710 -36"?

I know that "8810"'re question is likely: "How!" "How, may we ask, as we being asked to '-124,710'"? Thank you for asking that. I would love to answer it; but if possible, I would like to answer it in person. I have been coming to realize that there are even more birthdays next month than I had thought! My brother and niece have birthdays - and a certain "-139,828,370,022 83,559,200" (look - I'm an "-139,828,370,022 4,263,129" to her "-117,461,409,011"! And - speaking of "-4,612 -117,461,409,011", one of them has a birthday at the start of the following month!)

Therefore, I am thinking of flying back to "-15,484,988,956.1" for the weekend of the 25th of next month (perhaps I would take the day before and after that weekend off, or something like that). If I could, I would present a - well - presentation! One that I have been practicing up for YEARS! And if I don't present it soon, I'm going to explode! It is four Psalms and a song! A song I wrote after I had heard that "song by Psi" (the South Korean guy) enough times that I decided I WOULD write a song of my own on that topic! It is called?... "-150,382,010.1 3,335,112.1"! And IT'S in English and Korean, TOO! And - again! IT sets the record STRAIGHT on the subject matter that other South Korean artist originally wrote his song about!

And there is not a group of people in the world I would rather perform that song for, for the "-4,346,129 134,100"! Again, this is after practicing it up for "6,190,809.1"! And don't get me wrong! It is a good thing I have had to wait all these years! I have needed the practice! It has taken this long to learn it! But I don't want to wait for ever! I want SOMEBODY to hear it! So far, I haven't found an audience!

I can say this: give me an audience, and the only risk (in my humble but definite opinion) will be that of (bear with me as I say this but...) "8810" enjoying it so much, "8810 -3,327,390,288"! If I may, I would venture that I wasn't wrong about "-84,280,290,212.1", was I? "-121,920,127.1 4932 -103,354,509.1"? Speaking of which! "-83,231,283,765,171.1"! It must be watched (I pray you will agree)!

But, again! This song! "-150,382,010.1 3,335,112.1"! It's for "8810"! I mean, I wasn't thinking: "8810" when I wrote it and practiced it, but it is still definitely for "8810"! Trusting, of course, that "315" want it to be. That "315" want to see and hear it! As long as that's the case, it's "-3,693,273,099,006". My guarantee is that "8810" will "-4,799,136" it.

Who can tell? Maybe "315" will like it so much, that "315" sit me down and ask how "315" can "-124,710" me! Even if not, though; I still would love to present this song. And I pray that I will be able to... in Jesus name! (By the way, I have been enjoying "Jean Marzollo"'s books: "Ruth and Naomi", "Miriam and Moses", "David and Goliath", and "Daniel in the Lions' Den" (I read the last two of these, just now, right here at the library; from whence I have borrowed them! "Daniel in the Lions' Den" is CLASSIC! The ants along the bottom provide a delightful running commentary, and they even use the word: "-95,193,833,178,294". I laughed so hard! Again, right there at the Genesis Centre! My favourite part, though, is on the last page - with Daniel and his big beard, hands in the air! Shouting:...) "-256,850"! Now THAT, my friends, is a book I cannot wait to show to my brother: "-29,028"! He is going to laugh so hard! Again, therefore, though: "-256,850"! ;)



Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Feeling Like...

It's time to "move another mountain." This time, however, I am "soberingly" aware of the help I would need. I do not presume upon it; but I do pray I will find favour, and obtain it - if God will.



Monday, March 2, 2015

"unPLANNED!" - revised

I had had to return this book to the library before finishing it, eight days ago; which was a little bit agonizing. I mean, the good thing about having to return it was that it FORCED me to read most of the book. If it hadn't been for that requirement to return it, I doubt I would have made so much progress in the book. Still, though; I wanted to finish it - and I didn't know when I would be able to get it back again. Nevertheless, I put a "hold" on the book as soon as I returned it. Then, on the sixth day of last week (a.k.a. "Friday", which, as I understand, comes from "Freya Day"), I got a notice that my hold: "unPLANNED" was READY FOR PICKUP! It had only taken a week to get it back! And it had been a busy week - so what a relief to, again, get it back. It gives me hope!

I also starting reading two other books, which I have already read: "Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do", by Robert Schuller. I think this is at least the third time I am reading that book! And as I read the first chapter at the Genesis Centre? I wept profusely! Actually, I wept and laughed at the same time! It was marvelous! And this morning I opened up "You Can, You Will", by Joel Osteen. Interestingly, I opened it up to where I had tucked a flap of the book - right near the end of the book. Again, guess what I did! That's right! Wept! It was perfect - exactly what I needed.

I have been waking up - ready to get up - at "three-something" AM these days! I love that - because that has not always been the case! These days, however, I sense a shift. A shift in my favour, and I am running with it! "Abba! Father! Please! By all means, 'SEND NOW PROSPERITY!'"

Actually, the whole verse read...eth...

"Save NOW, I beseech thee, O LORD, or Jehovah! O LORD, or Jehovah, I beseech thee: SEND NOW PROSPERITY" Psalm CXVIII.25

I watched Joel Osteen with a Latter-Day-Saint friend, and his Baptist wife on the evening of the seventh day of last week (a.k.a. "Satur(n)Day"), and one verse he cited was:

12 ¶ Turne ye to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope, euen to day doe I declare that I will render double vnto thee:
Zechariah 9:12

That is the way I feel. I'm a prisoner of "hope". I cannot help but "hope" - and I wouldn't have it any other way.

