Friday, April 29, 2016

Psalm CXXXIX. - revised yet again..."one more time"!

"LORD, or Jehovah, thou hast searched me and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising; and understandest my thought from afar off. Thou compassest, or winnowest, my path and my lying down and art acquainted with all my ways..."

Heavenly Father, thou knowest how much this visit to Manitoba has meant to be, and - to be honest - I have actually been really scared. Scared of being disappointed. I pray for "disappointment-in-reverse", in Jesus' name; amen!



P.S. Here is that song I shared the other day - not acapella.

...And how can I not share: "Ready or Not!"
...And then there is... "HEADPHONES!" I think I have had enough of "hard-knocks" in this area of my life, that I would like to see the sun REALLY come out from behind the clouds! :)
....And here comes "All this time!" Again, after the 4.1 decades of heart-wrenching I have had to endure, I could REALLY use - again - that "Breakthrough"!
...I am "walking on the water", and praying not to sink!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


I know this video! I saw it once, but then later tried to find it, but could not! The girl mentions Britt Nicole's song, and then asks if she can sing it. Of course, Britt says, "Sure! By all means" and then the girl sings it! Britt Nicole is SUCH a winner! Kind of like "ıiıiı.i..i..,.....iiii..i..iiii,...iııi.ı...ıiıiı..ıiı.i ı.ıiii..ııiıi..ıi.ıiı...ıiı.ıi...ii.i.."!


Cool! - Revised

This is the way I perform! Acapella!



Monday, April 25, 2016

Look:... - revised

I love:

a) this song and
b) YOU! OK? Please, let it be OK! I have to love you, and be able to have a legitimate way to do so! At least, I feel very strongly that I do.



P.S. And here is another greatie (and that is coming from an unapologetic card carry perfectionIST!)
...and how could I not share THIS recently uploaded video! Especially seeing what I think of "counting." Hooray for Ukulele Mandi and Olivia!

Just watched this and thought...

...this is the sort of thing I was thinking I needed when I asked certain friends to "iı..ıi.iıi.i.....ii..,...ıiı.iı.iı". I was thinking, today, though; that I was asking these friends to "go the extra mile", and that it would never add up to presume on such a thing. Therefore, I do not presume on it - but rather, simply, believe for it - and pray for it, in Jesus' name.



Sunday, April 24, 2016

Just watched...

Secretariat, and was, oh! So inspired!



Friday, April 22, 2016

I just borrowed...

..."The Confession" and am starting to watch it. I cannot describe how agonizing I found it at work today. Remember what I said about... "needing help"? Wow, did I ever mean it!



Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I was thinking...

...that I sure do pray I will be able to be a blessing when I head back to Manitoba for my weekend visit, God willing, at the end of this month; in Jesus' name. And I pray it will be made clear that I really do need... help!



Friday, April 15, 2016

So... - revised AGAIN!

I just finished watched Beverly Lewis' "The Shunning", and I am REALLY thankful it had the ending it did! I sure got mad at the story they told! I think part of the reason is I had SUCH a lovely mother, who SO valued FREEDOM and letting people think FOR THEMSELVES! Then I go to watch "The Shunning", and I don't even know how I made it through! It just made me so furious! Those Amish! Their utter disregard for personal freedom!

And let me say, here and now, that that same mother has been SO GOOD to me - through thick and thin! And she has NOT disregarded, in any way, the honest questions I have asked and explored. Freedom does come with a price tag - but there is simply no other legitimate way to go! We have GOT to think for ourselves!

The movie ends with this song. I am listening to it right now, and drinking it in. Another thing about that movie? The Shunning? The guy? His name is "Daniel!"

And I got a certain message on Facebook today! And I am believing it was a Psalm 86, last verse, "token for good."

"...I am free..."



P.S. Wow! Here is another really good one by Lindsay McCaul!

Wow! Looks like I'm about to share ONE MORE SONG (at least)!

Friday, April 8, 2016

You know?...

...I understand that, when you "miss the boat", then you have to understand that the boat may just plain have left! Without you! And so then you can either wait around on the dock or find another boat! And guess what? I tried to! Have been trying to! For a very long time! But there is a verse in Proverbs: "A man's heart deviseth his way, but the LORD, or Jehovah, directeth his steps".

I think God has wanted to keep me single, and I thank him for doing so. I do, however, pray that he will help me, because all of this is REAL lions' den! And I mean real lions' den! At work, today, I had this moment where - as I sometimes do - I decided I was going to smile... on purpose. The only thing is: I had to get through "the wall" again. If I had not been at work with other people around, I would have roared out loud. Necessity was obviously the mother of invention, though, so I did what I am going to call a "silent roar".

I love the fact that God appeared to Jacob in a vision and said, "I have seen what Laban is doing to thee." I pray that God will see what this society is doing to me, in Jesus' name, amen!



Thursday, April 7, 2016

But, let's face it!

Again, that is only if I can afford to. If otherwise, then I really pray that God will help me! I, however, am believing that he has not brought me this far to disappoint me.



Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I was thinking at work...

...that there is absolutely no me not wanting "this". What do I mean by "this"? Oh, only one of the most outrageous ideas I have ever had in my entire LIFE!



Monday, April 4, 2016

Another thing that tests my will to... least be happy (if not live), is when I get "pointers" out of the blue, which I did not see coming. I cannot say I find them encouraging, but I do acknowledge that I am sure they are well intended. Another thing I acknowledge is that I may have been praising myself, talking about myself too much, and giving in to melancholy too much. I know it is NOT fun listening to someone else praise himself, talk excessively about himself, and then top it all off, again, with melancholy!

I decided at work to count all of this joy, as per James 1:2

"Count it all joy, my brethren, when ye fall into diverse temptations; knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Let patience have her perfect work in you that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

I want to say, though, that..."iıı.....ıi..i..i.i...ıı..ıiı.i,...i.iiiii.i...iii..ıi.i.....i.ıi..i,...iııi.ı...ıı.i.....ı.ıiii..ııiı...ıiı.ıi...ii.i..!"

