Monday, December 12, 2016

It has also been a while...

Since I heard back from iiıi..ıiiıiıiiiiıı..ı...i.ııiiiııi....ıi.iıi..


Daniel David Robbins

Thursday, November 17, 2016

It has been a while...

...since I phoned the Mustard Seed and asked about that cell phone. I pray that God will help me to do that.



Monday, November 7, 2016


...I pray, in Jesus' name, that I will be able to find his cell phone... again. As far as I know, it is somewhere at the Mustard Seed; where he was staying before he went back to Winnipeg.



Sunday, October 30, 2016

He is home!

Hallelujah! He as even home when I wrote my last post! "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." Isaiah



Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I must say...

...I have yet to reach certain goals in life - but I sure do pray for those who currently do not have a paying job and are, as far as I know, even out a cell phone. I think my brother falls into that category right now, and it must be downright frustrating. Therefore, I pray that his Heavenly Father will be with him, hold him, and bring him back home on eagles' wings, as he has done in the past. In Jesus' name. Also, for my part, I pray God will give me favour with the people I need help from; also in Jesus' name, amen.



Friday, October 21, 2016

What a timely message!

I just listened to a message from Joel Osteen on DVD - and do ye know what it was? "8810.1 -9351 33,185,312,044"! And all I have to say to that is:




Tuesday, October 18, 2016


...I look at the "1,084,814,820", and am reminded, all over again, that "70,768,668,031... ...-49,970,820,571". "-31,212,198". I mean, way "-174,987,211" than when I "-4,346,129 -512,845,177"; but "47,677,486,451,983/-439,366,046,724". It stops me. "86,913,708.1" me "50,261,170,575". I would sure love to "-67,674,232,993" here for the "2,734,499,050.1 -4,232,619,056" fifteen days from now; but only if God will - and, of course, if "-4612 978,206,658 193,129". If not? I completely understand - for "607,340,328 1,801,173,138". If that "136,698,420 -31,212,198 -141,293"? I would want the "118,493,287 61,179,194,161,448/-3625"; and I pray that I will give it, in Jesus' name. Amen.



Psalm CXXXI.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

God willing...

...I will do a prayer vigil around an "in-womb-infanticide" clinic here in Calgary; as part of "40 Days for Life", which I definitely support! They were instrumental in the conversion of Abigail Johnson - author of "UnPlanned"; a book which I DEFINITELY recommend!



Friday, October 14, 2016

Another thing:...

I had no idea that the "ıiıiı.iii..ı.i....ıı..ıiı.i.....ii..ıi.ıi.iiiiıii.." and ".ı.iııiiııiıı.iıiii.." were there. I only saw the ones in lieu of the "iiıiı.i..i..ıi.i......ı.ı.ii.ıi.ııi.". Then I decided I had better venture back into my "i.ıiiiiiıi..ii..ıi.ıi.i....iiiiiıiiı.ıiı.i..ııiı"; just to double check. Am I EVER glad I did! I found the picture and message, which I HAD seen before, and then "ıi.iiııii.ıi.iı.iıi..i.i...ı.i.ı.". There it was! The ".ı.iııiiııiıı.iıiii.." and "..ii..ıi.ıi.iiiiıii.." in lieu of the "i....ııiıiıııiii......ı.iiiiiı.i.iiiiıii.."! "iı..ıi.ıiıiiiiiıı."!

I am watching "The March of the Penguins" right now - and would even like to think of it as a timely "ıiı.ıi.i.i....ı" for "iıi.ıi.ıii.i" (as per the last verse of Psalm LXXXVI. Missing that initial ".ı.iııiiııiıı.iıiii.." and "..ii..ıi.ıi.iiiiıii.." resulted in my being REALLY "ıiıi..ıi.ıiıi..i.i" - and "i.iiiii.ii.iıı." and "..i.ıi..i..iıı.", if ye want to be, I am REALLY praying my persevering through that "ıiıi..ıi.ıiı" will be rewarded with "iiiiiıiiıi...ı.ıiıiii..ıiiıi..", in ".iii..ıi.ı.iıi.'.....ıiii..ii..", "iii..ii....ı"! It was "ii.ıiiı.iıiıiii.iı", Okay? Not knowing "ı.ıiı.iiiıiı...ıiı.ıi...ıiıiı.iıı..ı.i."! ".ı..iıi..iiiıi.i..,.....i.ıi..i...iii..ıi.i...i.iiiii.i"! In my opinion, "iıı.....ıi..i..i.i...ıı..ıiı.i"! Would ye please "ii..ıi..ii.....iı.i..ıiii.."? And "ii.ıiiiıı..ıiıi...ıı..ıiı.iıii...i.iiiiı.iiıiiı.ıiıi..ıii"? That is, of course, if not "i.iiiiı.iiıiiı.ıiıi..ıiiıi."? Consider it a once in a lifetime opportunity to make "iı.i..ıii" day - if, again, not "ıiıiı.i..iıııiiıi."; and DEFINITELY "..iiıı..ıi.."!



Tuesday, October 11, 2016

One more thing, though...

...They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and - well - I just saw more more pictures; and am reminded, yet again, to be sober.



Having said that...

...I definitely pray that God will go to bat for me, in Jesus' name! Amen!\



Friday, October 7, 2016

...And I mean... - revised!

"...66,704,187... 105,450,650,665". I need "-215,040,645", Okay? And when one has been waiting over "-155,785 -4,009,454,310", he doesn't want to wait "230,386,032,693 -4,009,454,310" without even a "-1,898,295,535,764." Think about it: "5,359,544.1" you "2,688,798,769,072"? On the other hand, I know that if I was married and "-4735 -2,957,284,092,171" that "-9675", I might say the same thing. And if I did, I WOULD want "-157,017,537,055" to be "61,179,194,161,448/-3625"; and I pray that I WILL be, in Jesus' name.



Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I am feeling...

...really worn out.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I realized something!

"It is not that 'they' do not love me - but, rather, that, '2,621,302,940'!"



Thursday, September 29, 2016

In thee, O LORD, or Jehovah, do I put my trust...

...let me never be put to confusion. Psalm LXXI. I have to get a roof and floor done tomorrow, which, I admit, is a challenge - but I suppose that necessity is the mother of invention. Also, I really miss "-215,040,645"; but that means I really need God to turn "70,768,746,650"'"6" "-3,375,128", so that "-171" decides to give "-4612" to me in LESS than "6,220,429,562,193", WITH "-13 -1,898,295,535,764". And I pray to that, in Jesus' name. "Mountain, move! Again, in Jesus' name!"

And, as I have quoted before? ..."-24,306,915,295 -783,528." And "-2,453,790,489 8,263,762,486,766"...



Tuesday, September 27, 2016


The "-4,449,371,163.1 65,287,047,618.1", if not the "2,734,499,050.1 -4,232,619,056". In the latter case, I have actually already bought "-155,785 2,634,287,622" with "8810" in mind. I am feeling "4424" about "1,077,246,965" and bringing that up right now, though. I would hate to come across as "-158,998,722". Here is my case, though: it was "237,875" idea to come and "92,289,650,364", even back when I lived in "1,560,867,334,021.1". I still remember when I first heard the idea. It was like a dream. It never happened, but it was definitely a welcome thought.

Then, again, there was the idea of "8810" coming "24,120,703,105" to "-4,449,371,163.1" (and beyond, I acknowledge). I have "-27,598,006 -3,067,821,415" to that happening for a long time now - and how many times have "9.1 -114,308,185,591 59,146,734,905"?

Furthermore, your "27,431,710 -109,529,040,451" has said she wants to "-84,285,577,417 1,545,498". My two cents? Give "-3,362,161 54,653,422,826,628" to "-98,030,644,901.1", "-5,219,406" her to "-4,449,371,163.1", take her to the "-4,232,619,056", and "-3,121,689,046" back home.

What makes me think "315" would do all that? Oh, only the fact that I know "315" know "82,727,520 2,362,566,175". Remember all those years trying to "-67,674,232,993"? And remember when her "-121,566,820" was all "-2,917,209,198,385"? By the grace of God, I was able to have a hand in helping "-2,396,804,249 1681".

That "-4,232,619,056" is a week before a certain other date; which I am looking forward to - and if I knew that, a week before it, I could finally "2,190,608,612" again, I would look forward to it even more.



"My heart is inditing a good matter. I speak of the things which I have made, touching the king. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer..." Psalm XLV.

Monday, September 26, 2016


I know I talked about "-123,723,247,561" in my last post, but I really "-142,425,398" want to "-3,845,374,013". I do, however, pray, in Jesus' name, that I will "2,190,608,612" here in "-4,449,371,163.1" ... "119,611."



Saturday, September 24, 2016

Alright, so...

...sorry to say this, but I am feeling... "3,110,270,574"... right now. God willing, I will phone and seek to convey how I am feeling. As a matter of fact, I am feeling inclined to... "-123,723,243,717". In fact, as things stand, that is the obvious thing to do. It is simply that, again, as things stand - right now - it would be a positively... "3,110,270,574 -123,723,243,717" - definitely for me. My prayer is that the... "-123,723,243,717" at least be a happy one. That, however, would involve at least one friend making a... "141,294" to "-4,449,371,163.1". In all honesty, I would really appreciate it if that were, actually, "-3,030,453,264".



"...for I am poor and sorrowful, and my heart is wounded within me. I am gone like the shadow that declineth. I am tossed up an down as a locust..." Psalm CIX.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

That movie?...

I forgot it on a shelf, used a computer, remembered the movie, went to retrieve it, and it was gone. The library staff had obviously found it and checked it back in! Oops!


Daniel Robbins

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I am at the library...

...and just picked up, among other things, a movie called "Old Fashioned."


Daniel Robbins

Monday, August 29, 2016

I am so thankful... - revised

...I finally got to visit Taber, but I was alone, OK? I mean, I like the ride called the Zipper; so I went and watched it. But there is a sign, "No Single Riders" - and there was no way I could figure out how to find someone to ride with. I did, however, strike up a conversation with two Jehovah's witnesses, one of whom was "Judy". I even lent her my umbrella to help keep the sun off her head! Later, however, when I saw Judy at the concert stage, I would have talked to her, but it did not happen. I would have loved to, but I am too shy. See, this other iıiiıııii.iı? It TOTALLY works! ıi.iı.i.. seems to even like the fact that I am shy! And it seems her ıi.iıııi.ıiıi..ıiiıi. like it, too. I keep telling God I want to live - but (and I am reminded of a popular commercial of a fast food restaurant when I say) "...not without iiıiı.iiiıi.iiii.iıı.iii.....iiiii..!"



P.S. At least, that is how I feel, and I sure do feel it! :)

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Alright, so... - ıiii..ı..iıııi.i..i.i!

...I got a i.ıiiiiiıi..ii..ıi.ıi.i. message last night, and I had been waiting for a REALLY long time to get at least something like it. I do not even know how I survived the wait! "God, please remember me! I am still alone, and it is NOT good!"

I met "Emily" today, and she is from Steinbach, and she is Mennonite, but she was making it clear that she is an open minded one. I, however, made it clear to her that I am dreaming of ..iiiiıiiıiiıı.iıı..ıiıi a ..ii....ı..ı.ıi..ıiıııiıi.....iıiiıııii.iı.



P.S. By the way, that would be "ıi..ıi.ıi..ı" - even, "iiiıi....ıi..ıi.ıi..ı...iiiıi.....ı..ıiıi.ıi.iııii..iıi..". Of course, I mean that within reason, but also with First iiı.ıiıiiiıı..ııiıiı.iııiii..ııi. in mind.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Last night...

...I watched the Peanuts movie with described audio; and enjoyed it. Last night, I met someone at the Pro-Life booth, and learned that the mayor's wife heads up the pro-life group. Before he became the mayor, he headed it up! Hooray! I also just watched my second cousin's wedding sermon and vows. I take it as a token for good, as per Psalm LXXXVI.17.



Thursday, August 25, 2016

I am in Taber...

Because of this. I drove down from Calgary (and had to leave work early to do it), so I could get here for their parade.


Daniel Robbins, Engineer in Training

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I watched...

..."The 33" last night. Also, I was thinking that I really ".iı.ıiı..i.....ıiıiı.iiiıiı...iıiiıııii.iı".


Thursday, August 18, 2016

"The ability to connect..."

is what my friend from high school was just saying. Well, to that, I said, "If it is a matter of being able to connect, then I definitely know who I am hoping it works out with!..."



Friday, August 12, 2016

Again, though...

...I, by no means, mean - or even intend to love that "iıiiıııii.iı" presumptuously; but rather sincerely.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

I really pray this is OK, but...

...I still love that "iıiiıııii.iı"!


Saturday, August 6, 2016

I am watching...

"Miracles from Heaven" in Spanish right now, and it sure continues to deliver! "Mountain, move, in Jesus' name!"



Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Wow! - revised

Do I ever miss, in my opinion, "..iıı....iıiiıııii.iı"! Not that I would want to be presumptuous - but, rather, simply bold as a lion!



Saturday, July 30, 2016

I sure was right...

...about not counting my chickens before they hatched! I never did have that interview. They informed me that the position was no longer available. Incidentally, those are actually familiar words to me. My prayer is that God will bring me my help meet for me, who IS available! On a reasonable timeframe. One where even I am, actually, shocked in the best sense with: a) who he brought to me, and b) when she was available. I think I have a total case for this, too!

ı.iiıııiiıi.ıiı...iiı.ıiıiiiıı..ııiıiı.iııiii..ııi.,...Chapter ıi.i..ı..i....ı, Verse ıiıiı.iıııiiıiııı....ıi.iııııi



Friday, July 22, 2016

...But... always, counting my chickens before they hatch is out. I just watched the following video, and could really relate to this woman. I mean, I can even FEEL the tension in the moment; but she simply keeps right on going, and when all is said and done, they love her. I definitely pray for a similar outcome, in Jesus' name!



Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A company...

...wants to interview me in Cochrane, which is just North West of Calgary!



Saturday, July 16, 2016

I just copied out the following, from Isaiah LXI.

(Verse 10)...My soul shall be joyful in my God; For he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels. 11 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, And as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; So the Lord GOD, or Adonahy Jehovah, will...
cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before...
...all the nations.

Yet another Scripture that bolsters my opinion that: not only will God have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth, but that he actually will! And, of course, that I will finally get married to my bride!



Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I seem to be getting interest... least, and - I think - even offers from some other companies; and I am very thankful for this! I picked up some "119,520 2,634,287,622" to an "84,688,288,688 -4,232,619,056" online today. :)


Daniel Robbins

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

...I'm hungry... - revised

...which, I know, is a good thing; because Jesus said, "Blessed are ye that hunger..."



P.S. By the way, being hungry to get married to the girl of your dreams? That IS hungering and thirsting after righteousness! Make no mistake about it! :) My father has recalled that, when my youngest sister and - now - husband wanted to get married to each other, he was hesitant to give his blessing to the marriage. Then, he read Martin Luther on marriage, and Luther said that one year of marriage had been worth several years in a monastery - in terms of making one holy. At that point, my father realized: "Hey! They want to get married! And That is a GOOD thing to want! And it is going to result in them being made more holy! Since when am I unwilling to give my blessing to that?" Therefore, he gave his blessing and they got married.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


That was inspirational!



Saturday, July 2, 2016

I just finished watching...

..."Abel's Field", and was it ever a surprise. I pleasant one! It was refreshingly honest and real. I don't like being alone, OK? Therefore, if you're married, hang on to your spouse and children and appreciate them. I am so almost done with being alone, my future wife had better get ready! She is going to get so doted upon? I mean, she hath NO IDEA what she is in for; and my prayer is that she will spend the rest of her life being completely amazed, all over again, over and over Again, in the best sense. I am resolved to, God willing outlive her, no matter how young she may be.



Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I copied out...

...the following verses yesterday:

"And Iesus answering, saith vnto them..." (1611 spelling) "...haue faith in God. Or, haue the faith of God. For verily I say vnto you, that whosoeuer shall say vnto this mountaine, Bee thou remoued, and bee thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall beleeue that those things which hee saith, shall come to passe: he shall haue whatsoeuer he saith. Therefore I say vnto you, what things soeuer ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye receiue them, and... shall haue them...
...And when ye stand, praying, forgiue, if ye haue ought against any: that your Father also which is in heauen, may forgiue you your trespasses..." Marke XI. 22-25

Furthermore, I took along the following verses, which I had previously copied out, in my backpack:

"Hee will fulfill the desire of them that feare him: he also will heare their cry, and will saue them. The LORD, or Iehouah, preserueth all them that loue him; but all the wicked..." Psalm CXLV.19ff

Therefore, here goeth...

...there! I told the "mountaine" to "moue", in "Iesus"'s name (of course, with my forehead to the floor at the library)!



Monday, June 27, 2016


...What a wedding! I just attended my second cousin's wedding at a camp near Calgary over the weekend. It was magnificent! I'm thankful to not be married quite yet, but "Please, God!..."

...I just made ANOTHER prayer request, again, with my forehead to the floor, here at the public library; in Jesus' name.



Wednesday, June 22, 2016

...Back in Calgary...

...and it is good - but have I ever got to get a good sleep tonight! So far so good on that, though. One more thing: I know how it is when you know someone likes you, but you simply do not like them "in that way." I suppose that is why I appreciate it so much when I DO "click" with someone. When I like them AND they like me. Here... I just put my forehead to the floor (at the public library, again) and prayed for... "-9.1 -3,198,837,541,785 -30,959,619,766"! Of course, in "-2,298,315.1"' name.

"44,348,248,267,185.1", or "3,806,064,025.1 6,950.1",
