Friday, January 23, 2015

Taking a Stand a Work... Again!

I cannot say I saw this coming, but I have been running into even more pressure to compromise on the very issue I left my last job over! Even from my (de facto) manager! And it came yesterday! I was really ruminating as to what to do last night; but, today, I got my opportunity to speak!

I was asked to be a part of a web meeting with MiTek, our truss metal plate supplier - and the company which provides our truss design software. They were discussing... COMMERCIAL TRUSSES! One of the requirements they mentioned? TEN POUND PER SQUARE FOOT BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOAD! Again, the VERY issue I left my last job over!

Well! When they had question time after the presentation, I knew what my "question" was! "What's going on!" The funny thing? The person who answered my "question" made it sound so obvious that we HAD TO be putting that live load on for commercial trusses - EXCEPT FOR exceptionAL circumstances!

And my point? I have been (and even - really - AM) being expected to CHRONICALLY leave that live load off of commercial trusses! The last thing I said was, "They're doing it because they can." In other words, other truss designers ARE chronically (i.e. as a general habit) taking that live load off!

The funny thing is: just when I was saying all of this, Boris (I'm pretty sure - who is one of the salesmen who has told me to leave that live load off (but not my manager - that is "Kevin") was standing to the side and listening in - "overhearing" me! I am certainly glad God provided an opportunity today to speak out! And speak out I did! My name is Daniel (which means: "God is my judge" - or "Judged of God"); and I love living up to my name!

I have even been dreaming of living up to that name on a whole new level - I but I feel I have GOT to get this certain "mountain" moved! It is "stymie-ing me"! For now, I thank God for making me wait; but I feel like I'm holding my breath under water until I can get this thing out of my way!

Now, I admit: the person who is stymie-ing me? If she knew in what capacity she was doing so, she might say: "Oh! Is that so? In that case, I'll go ahead and stymie you all the more!" What I would say to that, though, is: "By all means! If you have to 'stymie me' (try saying that fast five times!), I understand, completely! If I were in your shoes, I might want to 'stymie me' too! In that case, I would simply encourage you to: a) delete that article... and then, b) 'call me off'! You have every right to, and I would completely respect it if you did! I by no means refuse to be stymied! I only would want to talk you into finding a way to 'stymie me' that doesn't involve an article on your wall that contains the 'f-bomb'. That's all!"

And - hey! Again! Not that you have to do anything you don't want to do - just that I know even my mother would agree that getting that article off of there would be a good move. I would even encourage you to talk to your mother on the matter (and feel free to mention me, while your at it, and prayerfully consider whatever she has to say about me! I say this with some fear and trepidation, but far be it from me to hide from the light! If what I am praying happens, IS going to happen, then my dreams will HAVE to be able to stand up to the scrutiny of the truth!)

I'm listening to this song again - and I believe God just might be wanting to use me to speak out for a very specific demographic of people: who REALLY cannot speak! Cannot talk!... To... ANYONE! Some of the most "cut off" people I know of! And I pray for them - because I know God cares about them, and even remembers them! They're people, too! And they need to love and be loved (legitimately, of course - and only legitimately), too!

I do not boast of tomorrow, for I know not what I day may bring forth (Proverbs 27:1); but I do have a burden to REALLY issue a wake-up call to our society. I have tried and tried to let this certain "dream" die; but it isn't working! It keeps on sprouting up from the ground - and I'll be honest! I love it! As long as I can realize the dream legitimately (and I believe I can), my prayer to God is: bring it on!

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick - but when the desire cometh; it is a tree of life." My hope? Has been deferred for over four decades, now. And has it ever made my heart sick! I have even been told I AM "sick". (Funny, though - the people who have tried to say or imply that? When they have told me some of the mistakes they have made, and sins they have committed against other people? Since when do they have stones to throw at me!)

"...LORD, or Jehovah, I have hoped for thy salvation, and done thy commandments. My SOUL hath kept thy testimonies, and I love them exceedingly. I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies - for ALL MY WAYS ARE BEFORE THEE.


Let my supplication come before thee - deliver me according to thy word.
My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes.
My tongue shall speak of thy word - for all thy commandments are righteousness.
I have longed for thy salvation, O LORD, or Jehovah, and THY LAW IS MY DELIGHT.
Let my soul... LIVE! And it shall.. PRAISE thee... AND LET THY JUDGEMENTS HELP ME!
...DO NOT...
Psalm 119

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